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Volume 11


Volume notes: This volume has two parts with pages 1-236 in first part and 237-439 in second. Title pages: 3. Absent pages: 1, 2, 4, 90, 92, 168, 169. Pages with inlay: 6, 34, 35, 59, 111, 240, 245, 252, 284, 356.

Table of contents
Page Title Author Source Date Type Notes
5 One Day with Madam Blavatsky
ID: 11-005-01
Medium and Daybreak, The, January 1, 1881 1881-01-01 article
5 January
ID: 11-005-02
5 The December Number of The Theosophist...
ID: 11-005-03
Banner of Light, Boston, Saturday, January 1, 1881 1881-01-01 notice
5, 6 Coll.H.S.Olcott Mme.H.P.Blavatsky
ID: 11-005-04
Mahrata, The, January 23, article
6, 6.1 Spiritual Wives
ID: 11-006-01
Scrutator London Spiritualist, No. 438, January 14, 1881, pp. 17-8 1881-01-14 article
7, 8 Remarks on Madame Blavatsky's Manifestations and Illustrative Instances from the Experience of Mediums in this Country
ID: 11-007-01
Medium and Daybreak, The, January 21,1881 1881-01-21 article
9 Manifestations in Tartary
ID: 11-009-01
London Spiritualist, No. 437, January 7, 1881, pp. 8-9 1881-01-07 article
9 Chinese Juggling Extraordinary
ID: 11-009-02
London Spiritualist, No. 437, January 7, 1881, p. 9 1881-01-07 article
9, 10 Aerostatic Performancer in Batavia
ID: 11-009-03
London Spiritualist, No. 437, January 7, 1881, pp. 9-10 1881-01-07
10 <untitled> (Mb. J. G. Coates has done more......)
ID: 11-010-01
London Spiritualist, No. 437, January 7, 1881, p. 10 1881-01-07 article
10 A Public Need
ID: 11-010-02
London Spiritualist, No. 437, January 7, 1881, p. 10 1881-01-07 article
10, 11 Spiritualism and Theosophy
ID: 11-010-03
Olcott, H.S. London Spiritualist, No. 437, January 7, 1881, pp. 10-11 1881-01-07 article
11, 12, 13 Spiritualism and Theosophy
ID: 11-011-01
London Spiritualist, No. 438, January 14, 1881, pp. 21-3 1881-01-14 article
13 <untitled> (The “historical controls”......)
ID: 11-013-01
London Spiritualist, No. 438, January 14, 1881, p. 13 1881-01-14 news
14 The English Translation of Professor Zollner's Experiments
ID: 11-014-01
London Spiritualist, No. 438, January 14, 1881, p. 24 1881-01-14 poster
15 Wesshalb Furchten die Spiriten Night den Tod?
ID: 11-015-01
Licht, Mehr Licht!, Jahrgang, Sonntag, Januar 16, 1881 1881-01-16 article
15, 16, 17, 18 Das erste Jahr des Theosophismus
ID: 11-015-02
Licht, Mehr Licht!, Jahrgang, Sonntag, Januar 16, 1881 1881-01-16 article
18 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-018-01
18 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-018-02
19 <untitled> (We take the following......)
ID: 11-019-01
Native Opinion, Sunday, 6th February 1881 1881-02-06 article
19 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-019-02
19, 20, 21 Spiritualism and Theosophy
ID: 11-019-03
Olcott, H.S. London Spiritualist, No. 439, January 21, 1881, pp. 25-8 1881-01-21 article
22, 23 The Authority of Spirit?
ID: 11-022-01
M.D. (F.T.S.) London Spiritualist, No. 439, January 21, 1881, pp. 34-5 1881-01-21
23 <untitled> (The weather of the last......)
ID: 11-023-01
London Spiritualist, No. 439, January 21, 1881, p. 35 1881-01-21 article
23 The Demise of Mr. Epes Sargent
ID: 11-023-02
London Spiritualist, No. 439, January 21, 1881, p. 35 1881-01-21 article
23 Encouragement for Workers
ID: 11-023-03
London Spiritualist, No. 437, January 7, 1881, p. 11 1881-01-07 letter
24 The Kabbala:or, The True Science of Light
ID: 11-024-01
Banner of Light article
24 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-024-02
25, 26 A Word with Our Friends
ID: 11-025-01
Blavatsky, H.P. Supplement to The Theosophist, Bombay, January, 1881 article
27 Licht, Mehr Licht
ID: 11-027-01
27, 28 Anzeigen
ID: 11-027-02
Olcott, H.S. article
29 Supplement to The Theosophist
ID: 11-029-01
, Jan. 1881 article
31 Colonel H. Olcott read an adress...
ID: 11-031-01
Amrita Bazar Patrika, The, Thursday, January 6, 1881 1881-01-06 correspondence
31 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-031-02
Englishman, January 7, 1881 1881-01-07 notice
31 Sir's Richard Temple's opinion...
ID: 11-031-03
Sunday Mirror, Thursday, January 6, 1881 1881-01-06 correspondence
31 Our Literary Chow Chow
ID: 11-031-04
Indian Spectator, The, Sunday, January 30, 1881 1881-01-30 article
31 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-031-05
Vivekavarthani, The, Wednesday, January 26, 1881 1881-01-26 notice
31, 32 Education of Native Princes
ID: 11-031-06
Mahratta, The, Sunday, January 16, 1881 1881-01-16 article
32 The Theosophist in India
ID: 11-032-01
32 Theosophical Dead-Heads
ID: 11-032-02
New York Times, The, New York, Saturday, January 8, 1881 1881-01-08 article
33 The Indian Herald tells us...
ID: 11-033-01
Amrita Bazar Patrika, Jan. 18, 1881 1881-01-18 correspondence
33, 34, 34.1 Benachrichtigungen
ID: 11-033-02
Light,mehr Light, Sonntag 11, Januar 1880 1880-01-11 article
33 With the January number of the Theosophist...
ID: 11-033-03
Amrita Bazar Patrika, Jan. 18, 1881 1881-01-18 correspondence
33 Cпиритизмъ у насъ не выводится.
ID: 11-033-04
Одесский вестникъ, 21 декабря(2 января) 1880 1880-12-0-21 notice
33 Mr.Gadgil, of Baroda
ID: 11-033-05
Epitome of News notice
33 The New Year
ID: 11-033-06
Medium and Daybreak, The, Friday, January 7, 1881 1881-01-07 article
36 Who is John King?
ID: 11-036-01
London Spiritualist, No. 441, February 4, 1881, p. 59 1881-02-04 notice
36 Notice
ID: 11-036-02
36 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-036-03
36 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-036-04
37 Caution!Caution!Caution!
ID: 11-037-01
38 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-038-01
39 Mr. Peary Chand Mittra of Calcutta...
ID: 11-039-01
Medium and Daybreak, The, Friday, February 4, 1881 1881-02-004 correspondence
39 Colonel Henry S. Olcott,...
ID: 11-039-02
Native Opinion, Sunday, February 27, 1881 1881-02-27 correspondence
39 Lecture of Theosophy,...
ID: 11-039-03
Bombay Gazete, The, Saturday, February 26, 1881 1881-02-26 correspondence
39 According to the Russian puppies,...
ID: 11-039-04
Pioneer, The, February, 1881 correspondence
39 The Study of Russian by Indian Officers
ID: 11-039-05
Blavatsky, H.P. Bombay Gazette, The, Tuesday, February 22, 1881 1881-02-22 article
40 Etwas Mediumhaftes
ID: 11-040-01
G.v.L. article
40 Prof. Zollner's Experiments
ID: 11-040-02
40, 41 The latest news about the Kurds...
ID: 11-040-03
Pioneer, The, February 26, 1881 1881-02-26 correspondence
41 Colonel Olcott delivered his annual public lecture...
ID: 11-041-01
Times of India, The, Monday, February 28, 1881 1881-02-28 article
41 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-041-02
Bombay Gazette, The, Monday, February 28, 1881 1881-02-28 article
41 It is stated that Professor Selavief...
ID: 11-041-03
Times of India, The, Thursday, March 3, 1881 1881-03-03 article
41, 42 Colonel Olcott address...
ID: 11-041-04
Bombay Gazette, The, Wednesday, March 2, 1881 1881-03-02 article
43 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-043-01
43 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-043-02
43, 44, 45 Weiteres Tiber den Theosophismus in Ostindien
ID: 11-043-03
Light, Mehr light! article
46 The Theosophical Society in India
ID: 11-046-01
Mavlankar, Damodar K. Religio-Philosophical Jornal article
46 We have been Requested to Publish the Following Letter:
ID: 11-046-02
Shroff, K.M. Amrita bazar patrika, The article
46 By Hudson Tuttle
ID: 11-046-03
47, 48, 49 The berlin correspondent of the Standard telegrapheh...
ID: 11-047-01
Bombay Gazette,The, Thursday, March 3, 1881 1881-03-03 correspondence
47 Subterranean Passages Near Cawnpore
ID: 11-047-02
47 ...
ID: 11-047-03
50 A Berlin Mare's Nest
ID: 11-050-01
Blavatsky, H.P. article
51 A Russian Symposium
ID: 11-051-01
H.P.B. Pioneer, The, March 1, 1881 1881-03-01 article
51 Words can hardly conveys...
ID: 11-051-02
Theosophist, The notice
52 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-052-01
Amrita Bazar Patrica,THe, Thursday, March 17, 1881 1881-03-17 article
52 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-052-02
52 Sience and Theosophy
ID: 11-052-03
Atkinson, Henry G. Philosophic Inquirer, The, Madras, Sunday March 20, 1881 article
53 The Signs of the Time
ID: 11-053-01
Philosophic Inquirer,The, March 20, 1881 1881-03-20 article
53 "Christian" Blessings
ID: 11-053-02
Philosophic Inquirer,The, March 13, 1881 1881-03-13 article
54 Madam Blavatsky
ID: 11-054-01
Blavatsky, H.P. Amrita Bazar Patrika, The, March 3, 1881 1881-03-03 correspondence
54 The Year 1881
ID: 11-054-02
Blavatsky, H.P. Bombay Gazette, The, Wednesday, March 30, 1881 1881-03-30 article
55 The First Appearance of the Human Atom in Materialised Conditions
ID: 11-055-02
59 A True "Adept" to the Fore
ID: 11-059-01
London Spiritualist, No. 452, April 22, 1881, pp. 183-84 1881-04-22 article
59.1 <untitled> (Our friends the Theosophists......)
ID: 11-059.1-01
Mahratta, The, Sunday, 6 March article
60 The Life of Buddha and its Lessons
ID: 11-060-01
Banner of Light, Boston, Saturday, 9 April, 1881 1881-04-09 article
61, 62 Isis Unveiled
ID: 11-061-01
63 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-063-01
Bombay Guardian, The, April 2 , 1881 1881-04-02 article
63 Letter to the Editors
ID: 11-063-02
Moray Weekly News, April 26, 1881 1881-04-26 correspondence
63 Letter to the Editors
ID: 11-063-03
Moray Weekly News, April 26, 1881 1881-04-26 correspondence
63 The Year 1881
ID: 11-063-04
Blavatsky, H.P. Bombay Gazette, The, Thursday,April 7, 1881 1881-04-07 correspondence
64 <untitled> (The Kurds......)
ID: 11-064-01
Pioneer, The article
64 <untitled> (Some few months ago......)
ID: 11-064-02
Pioneer, The article
65 <untitled> (The Theosophist for January..., An Interesting Occasion Graphically Described...)
ID: 11-065-01
Banner of Light, March 5, 1881 1881-03-05 article
65 The Theosophist of January...
ID: 11-065-01
Harbinger of Light, No. 127, March 1, p. 1949 1881-03-01 notice
65 An Interesting Occasion Graphically Described
ID: 11-065-02
Banner of Light, Boston Saturday, March 5, 1881 1881-03-05 article
65 <untitled> (The Theosophist for January......)
ID: 11-065-02
65 The Theosophy and Science
ID: 11-065-03
Olcott, H.S. Philosophic Inquirer, April 3, 1881 1881-04-03 article
65 <untitled> (Theosophy and Science...)
ID: 11-065-03
Olcott H.S. Philosophic Inquirer, The, April 3, 1881 1881-04-03 article
65 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-065-04
Amrita Bazar Patrika, Thursday, March 10, 1881 1881-03-10 notice
65 <untitled> (The last number......)
ID: 11-065-04
Amrita Bazar Patrika, March 10, 1881 1881-03-10 article
66 <untitled> (A fearful epidemic reminding one of the gloomy scenes......)
ID: 11-066-01
66 Editorial Notes
ID: 11-066-02
Mahratta, The, Sunday 3 April, 1881 1881-04-03 article
66 <untitled> (The Poryadok-which being interpreted means Order......)
ID: 11-066-03
Pioneer, The, April 11, 1881 1881-04-11 article
67 The Assassination of the Czar
ID: 11-067-01
Pioneer,The, Saturday, April 9, 1881 1881-04-09 article
67 The Russians seem to have good hope...
ID: 11-067-02
68 <untitled> (The Theosophist has the following kind words about the Tribune......)
ID: 11-068-01
Tribune, The, Saturday, April 9, 1881 1881-04-09 notice
68 Life Without Food for Seven Month
ID: 11-068-02
Philosophic Inquirer, The, April 10, 1881 1881-04-10 article
68 Review of Our Foreign Spiritualistic Exchanges
ID: 11-068-03
Ditson, M.D. Spiritualism Aboard article
68 Brahmoism
ID: 11-068-04
Philosophic Inquirer, The, Madras - Sunday, April 24 ,1881
69 <untitled> ("Medium and Daybreak" bringt folgende......)
ID: 11-069-01
Light, mehr Light, Sonntag, 20 1881 article
69 <untitled> (Albury, and one of the most valuable properties in these colonies......)
ID: 11-069-02
69 Mr. Charles Bradlaugh
ID: 11-069-03
Philosophic Inquirer, The, April 17, 1881 1881-04-17 article
69 <untitled> (The April number of the Theosophist is to hand......)
ID: 11-069-04
Amrita Bazar Patrika, The, Thursday, April 14, 1881 1881-04-14 article
70 Selection
ID: 11-070-01
Brahmo Public Opinion, Calcutta,Thursday April 21, 1881 1881-04-21 article
70 <untitled> (A correspondent of the Delhi Gazette giving a description of the holy city of Brindabun......)
ID: 11-070-02
Amrita Bazar Patrika, The, Thursday April 21, 1881 1881-04-21 notice
71 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-071-01
Herald of Progress, The, No. 39, v. 2, April 8, 1881 1881-04-08 image
72, 73, 74, 75, 76 The Bible History of Creation
ID: 11-072-01
Oxley, W. Herald of Progress, The article
76 <untitled> (Accordingly more than twenty persons gathered in the evening......)
ID: 11-076-01
Sunday Mirror, The, April 17, 1881 article
76 Save us from our friends
ID: 11-076-02
77, 78 A Few Facts Concerning the Kabbalah
ID: 11-077-01
M.D. London Spiritualist, No. 453, April 29, 1881, pp. 196-97 1881-04-29
78 The kabbalah
ID: 11-078-01
London Spiritualist, No. 453, April 29, 1881, p. 203 1881-04-29 notice
79 Parsee Religions Reform
ID: 11-079-02
Cheroot Bombay Gazette, The, Tuesday, April 26, 1881 1881-04-26
79 Parsee Religions Reform
ID: 11-079-03
Padshah S.J. Bombay Gazette, The, Wednesday, April 27, 1881 1881-04-27
79 Parsee Religions Reform
ID: 11-079-04
Padshah S.J. Bombay Gazette, The, Wednesday, April 25, 1881 1881-04-25
80 Parsee Religious Reform
ID: 11-080-01
Padshah, S.J. Bombay Gazette, The, Wednesday, May 4, 1881 1881-05-04
80 Parsee Religious Reform
ID: 11-080-02
Padshah, S.J. Bombay Gazette, The, Tuesday, May 9, 1881 1881-05-09
80, 81 III
ID: 11-080-03
M.J.B. Bombay Gazette, The, Tuesday, May 10, 1881 1881-05-10 article
81 The Rahnumah Mazdyasna has shown...
ID: 11-081-01
Indian Spectator, The, Sunday, May 1, 1881 1881-05-01 correspondence
81 Reuter Telegraphed Some Three Weeks...
ID: 11-081-01
Pioneer, The, April 2, 1881 1881-04-02 notice The information was telegraphed by H.P.B.
81 <untitled> (As association has been......)
ID: 11-081-02
81 Col. Ingersoll on Heresy Laws
ID: 11-081-03
Philosophic Inquirer, The, May 8, 1881 1881-05-08 article
81, 82, 83 The State of Russia
ID: 11-081-04
Pioneer, The, Wednesday, May 4, 1881 1881-05-04 article H.P.B.'s article
83 <untitled> (We are requested to publish ......)
ID: 11-083-01
Amrita Bazar Patrika, The, Thursday, May 12, 1881 1881-05-12
83, 84 Spiritualism
ID: 11-083-02
Bombay Gazette, The, Saturday, May 7, 1881 1881-05-07 article
84, 85 Selection
ID: 11-084-01
Tripuracharan Banerjea Brahmo Public Opinion, May 12, 1881 1881-05-12 article
85, 86, 87 The State of Russia
ID: 11-085-01
Pioneer, The, Wednesday, May 18, 1881 1881-05-18 article
87 Reviewing a Book Written by a Certain
ID: 11-087-01
Pioneer, The, Thursday, May 26, 1881 1881-05-26 article
87 Sir - As the editors of the Times of India
ID: 11-087-02
Shroff, K.M. Native Opinion, Sunday May 29, 18881 1881-05-29 correspondence
87 <untitled> (We are glad to note......)
ID: 11-087-03
Kneph, The, London, May 1, 1881 1881-05-01 article
87 <untitled> (The first number has......)
ID: 11-087-04
Blavatsky H.P. 1881-03 notice
88 <untitled> (Important discoveries......)
ID: 11-088-01
88 Education and Disestablishment
ID: 11-088-02
Ceylon Catholic Messenger, Colombo, Friday, May 20, 1881 18811-05-20 article
89 Notes from New Bazar
ID: 11-089-01
Ceylon Catholic Messenger, Colombo, Friday, May 13, 1881 1881-05-13 article
89 Notes from Demettegoda
ID: 11-089-02
Ceylon Catholic Messenger, Colombo, Friday, May 13, 1881 1881-05-13 article
89 Provincial
ID: 11-089-03
Ceylon Catholic Messenger, Colombo, Friday, May 13, 1881 1881-05-13 article
89 Sir- You were kind...
ID: 11-089-04
Ceylon Catholic Messenger, Colombo, Friday, May 13, 1881 1881-05-13 correspondence
89 The bishop of Meath on the Irish Land Question
ID: 11-089-05
Ceylon Catholic Messenger, Colombo, Friday, May 13, 1881 1881-05-13 article
91 The Universal Life Assurance Society
ID: 11-091-01
Ceylon Catholic Messenger,The, Colombo, Friday, May 13, 1881 1881-05-13 article
93 Fax-simile of Jamieson's chart for December, 1820
ID: 11-093-01
94, 95, 96 History of the True Jesus Christ-the Sun God
ID: 11-094-01
Oxley, W. Herald of Progress, The, May 6, 1881 1881-05-06 article
96 Spiritualism Abroad
ID: 11-096-01
Ditson, M.D. Banner of Light, Boston, Saturday May 28, 1881 1881-05-28 article
96 <untitled> (A Hindu Fakir lives on the top of Jacko......)
ID: 11-096-02
Amrita Bazar Patrika, The, Thursday, May 19, 1881 1881-05-19 correspondence
97 An Unsoro Abonnonton!
ID: 11-097-01
Licht, mehr Licht!, Sonntag 1 May, 1881 1881-05-01 article
97 Ausspruch John Herschel's
ID: 11-097-02
Licht, mehr Licht!, Sonntag 1 May, 1881 1881-05-01 article
97, 98, 99 Die Arbeiten der theosophischen Gesell-schaft in Indien
ID: 11-097-03
H.C.K. Licht, mehr Licht!, Sonntag 1 May, 1881 1881-05-01 article
99 An Uneasy Ghost
ID: 11-099-01
Lall, Birj Harbinger of Light, No. 129, May 1, pp. 1977-78 1881-05-01
99 <untitled> (My dear Sir and Brother,......)
ID: 11-099-02
Mavalankar, D.K. Melbourne, Australia, March 25, 1881 1881-03-22 correspondence
99 <untitled> (We commend to the notice......)
ID: 11-099-03
100 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-100-01
100 Man's Best Guide
ID: 11-100-02
100 <untitled> (W.H. Hoisington, "the blind preacher,.....)
ID: 11-100-03
Chicago, ill., May 7 1881, 1881-05-07 correspondence
100 Hindooism, Theosophism and Missionarism
ID: 11-100-04
101 The British (Branch) Theosophical Society
ID: 11-101-01
102 The Beginning of the End at Mahableshwar
ID: 11-102-01
NEMO Bombay Gazette, The, Monday, June 6, 1881 1881-06-06 article
102 The King of the Hawaiian Islands
ID: 11-102-02
Bombay Gazette, The, Monday, June 6, 1881 1881-06-06 article
103 <untitled> (...of delay. The same young man......)
ID: 11-103-01
Vivekavarthani, The, 22 June 1881 1881-06-22 article
103, 104 The Hindoo Sabha
ID: 11-103-02
Vivekavarthani, The, 22 June 1881 1881-06-22 article
105 <untitled> (A.P. Sinnet......)
ID: 11-105-01
Liberty, Lucknow 28 June, 1881 1881-06-28 article
105 <untitled> (Dostoevsky...)
ID: 11-105-02
Pioneer, The, June 6, 1881 1881-06-06 article
106, 107, 108 The State of Russia
ID: 11-106-01
Pioneer,The, Tuesday, June 21, 1881 1881-06-21 article
108 The Theosophical Mania
ID: 11-108-01
Philosophic Inquirer, The, June 5, 1881 1881-06-05 article
108 The "Philosophic Inquirer"
ID: 11-108-02
109, 110 Clairvoyance and Perception, Divine Origin of Language
ID: 11-109-01
Atkinson, H.G., P.R. Philosophic Inquirer, The, Madras, Sunday June 19 1881-06-19 article
110 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-110-01
111, 111.1 Die Arbeiten der Theosophischen Gessel-schaft in Indien
ID: 11-111-01
111, 112, 113, 114, 115 The Occult World
ID: 11-111-02
London Spiritualist, No. 459, June 10, 1881, pp. 265-69 1881-06-10 review
111.1 <untitled> (Schon lange wollte......)
ID: 11-111.099-01
Herrn,C. korrespondence
115, 116 ....
ID: 11-115-01
Sarasavi Sandaresa article
117, 118, 119, 120 The Occult World*
ID: 11-117-01
London Spiritualist, No. 460, June 17, 1881, pp. 277-80 1881-06-17 article
120 <untitled> (A fine opportunity......)
ID: 11-120-01
London Spiritualist, No. 460, June 17, 1881, p. 280 1881-07-17 news
121 presentation
ID: 11-121-01
London Spiritualist, No. 461, July 24, 1881, p. 289 1881-06-24 article
121, 122 Theosophical Utterances
ID: 11-121-02
London Spiritualist, No. 461, July 24, 1881, p. 289 1881-06-24 article
122 Of the Fundamental Conditions of Transcendentalism
ID: 11-122-01
Noemon London Spiritualist, No. 461, July 24, 1881, pp. 290-92 1881-06-24 article
123, 124 An Adept on "The Occult Brothers"
ID: 11-123-01
J.K. London Spiritualist, No. 461, July 24, 1881, pp. 293-94 1881-06-24
124, 125, 126 Die Arbeiten der Teosophischen Gesselshaft in Indien
ID: 11-124-01
Light, Mehr Light! article
125 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-125-01
127, 128 Spiritualism and Occult Science
ID: 11-127-01
C.C.M. London Spiritualist, No. 461, June 24, 1881, pp. 296-98 1881-06-24 article
128 Installation of the Thakore of Wadhwan
ID: 11-128-01
Pioneer, The, June 19, 1881 1881-06-19 article
129, 130, 131 The Alleged Himalayan Brothers
ID: 11-129-01
London Spiritualist, No. 462, July 1, 1881, pp. 1-3 1881-07-01 article
131, 132 More of the Thoughts of an Adept
ID: 11-131-01
J.K. London Spiritualist, No. 462, July 1, 1881, pp. 3-5 1881-07-01 article
133 A Vision
ID: 11-133-01
Heurtley, Juliet London Spiritualist, No. 462, July 1, 1881, p. 7 1881-07-01 poem
133, 134 A Daylight Seance in the Streets of Rome
ID: 11-133-02
Rondi, Signor London Spiritualist, No. 462, July 1, 1881, pp. 7-8 1881-07-01 article
134, 135 Theosophy and Spiritualism
ID: 11-134-01
C.C.M. London Spiritualist, No. 462, July 1, 1881, pp. 8-9 1881-07-01 article
135, 136, 137 The Study of the Occult
ID: 11-135-01
Onesimus London Spiritualist, No. 462, July 1, 1881, pp. 9-11 1881-07-01 article
137 <untitled> (Next Sunday evening......)
ID: 11-137-01
London Spiritualist, No. 462, July 1, 1881, p. 11 1881-07-01 notice
138 <untitled> (......)
ID: 11-138-01
139, 140 Manifestations in the Far East
ID: 11-139-01
London Spiritualist, No. 463, July 8, 1881, pp. 13-4 1881-07-08 article
140, 141 Primitive Man
ID: 11-140-01
Penny, A.J. London Spiritualist, No. 463, July 8, 1881, pp. 15-7 1881-07-08 article
142 Mediums and Adepts
ID: 11-142-01
Campbell James A., Cantab B.A. London Spiritualist, No. 463, July 8, 1881, pp. 19-20 1881-07-08
142, 143 Information for Theosophists, from an Adept
ID: 11-142-02
J.K. London Spiritualist, No. 463, July 8, 1881, pp. 20-2 1881-07-08 article
144 Correspondence
ID: 11-144-01
C.C.M. London Spiritualist, No. 463, July 1, 1881, p. 23 1881-07-08 letter
144 <untitled> (The Earl of Crawford......)
ID: 11-144-02
London Spiritualist, No. 463, July 1, 1881, p. 23 1881-07-08 news
144 Answers to Correspondents
ID: 11-144-03
London Spiritualist, No. 463, July 1, 1881, p. 23 1881-07-08 letter
144 Notes by the Way
ID: 11-144-04
Light, v. 1, No. 30, July 30, 1881, p. 236 1881-07-30 article
144 Occultism and Imagination
ID: 11-144-05
Trident Light, v. 1, No. 30, July 30, 1881, p. 236 1881-07-30
144 Spirits? Or Unconscious Cerebration?
ID: 11-144-06
Pseudo-Medium Light, v. 1, No. 30, July 30, 1881, p. 236 1881-07-30
144 <untitled> (The July number of the Theosophist......)
ID: 11-144-07
Amrita Bazar Patrika, The, Thursday, July 7, 1881 1881-07-07 article
145 Our Contemporaries
ID: 11-145-01
Light, v. 1, No. 30, July 30, 1881, p. 238 1881-07-30 article
145 Clairvoyance
ID: 11-145-02
Light, v. 1, No. 30, July 30, 1881, p. 237 1881-07-30 article
145, 146 Matter and Method*
ID: 11-145-03
Atkinson Henry. G. Philosophic Inquirer, The 1881-07-10
146 The “Harbinger of Light” on the “Philosophic Inquirer”
ID: 11-146-01
Philosophic Inquirer, The 1881-07-10 article
146 Mediums and Adepts
ID: 11-146-02
Campbell J.A., Cantab B.A. London Spiritualist, No. 465, July 22, 1881, pp. 41-2 1881-07-22
147 Mesmerism
ID: 11-147-01
H.M. London Spiritualist, No. 465, July 22, 1881, pp. 43-4 1881-07-22
147 The Demise of the Baron du Potet
ID: 11-147-02
London Spiritualist, No. 464, July 15, 1881, p. 25 1881-07-15 article
147, 148 Errors of the Theosophists
ID: 11-147-03
London Spiritualist, No. 465, July 22, 1881, pp. 45-6 1881-07-22 article
148, 173 Adeptship versus Mediumship
ID: 11-148-01
C.C.M. London Spiritualist, No. 464, July 15, 1881, p. 28 1881-07-15
149, 150 Stimmen der Presse uber Ernst von Weber's Schriften
ID: 11-149-01
150, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160 Stimmen der Presse uber Ernst von Weber's Schriften
ID: 11-150-01
151, 152, 153, 154 Opinions de la Presse sur l'ouvrage de M. Ernest de Webber
ID: 11-151-01
160 Stimmen der Presse uber Ernst von Weber's Schriften
ID: 11-160-01
160 Stimmen der Presse uber Ernst von Weber's Schriften
ID: 11-160-02
161 ...
ID: 11-161-01
161 To Ernst von Weber
ID: 11-161-02
Preston, Eliot poem
161 Ueberfesung
ID: 11-161-03
162 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-162-01
162, 163, 164, 165 Vorkampfer fur Deutchland in Afrika
ID: 11-162-02
163 Ernst von Weber in feinem orientafischen Reisecostum
ID: 11-163-01
165 Phnostognomik
ID: 11-165-01
Neue Blatt, Das article
165 Humor der Zeit
ID: 11-165-02
Neue Blatt, Das article
165, 166 Allerlei
ID: 11-165-03
Neue Blatt, Das article
166 Fllustrirter Familien- Kalender fur 1881
ID: 11-166-01
Neue Blatt, Das article
166 Brieftaften
ID: 11-166-02
Neue Blatt, Das article
166 Gathsel
ID: 11-166-03
Neue Blatt, Das poem
166 Gilbenratfhel
ID: 11-166-04
Neue Blatt, Das article
166 Rebus
ID: 11-166-05
166 Correspondenz
ID: 11-166-06
Neue Blatt, Das article
167 M
ID: 11-167-01
170 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-170-01
stamp back of envelope
172, 173 Do Adepts Exist?
ID: 11-172-01
Theosophist London Spiritualist, No. 464, July 15, 1881, pp. 30-1 1881-07-15 article
173, 171, 172 The Theosophical Society
ID: 11-173-01
C.C.M. London Spiritualist, No. 464, July 15, 1881, pp. 28-30 1881-07-15 article
173 <untitled> (I hope I may......)
ID: 11-173-02
Sowerby Grub Himalaya Chronical, The, July 30, 1881 1881-07-30 article
174 Our Public Men
ID: 11-174-01
London Spiritualist, No. 466, July 29, 1881, pp. 49-50 1881-07-29 article
174, 175, 176 As to Some Qualities of Buddhistic Adepts
ID: 11-174-02
A.J.C. London Spiritualist, No. 466, July 29, 1881, pp. 50-2 1881-07-29 article
176 <untitled> (Next Sunday evening......)
ID: 11-176-01
London Spiritualist, No. 466, July 29, 1881, p. 52 1881-07-29 news
177 Mediumship in England, America, and France
ID: 11-177-01
O'Sullivan, J. L. London Spiritualist, No. 466, July 29, 1881, pp. 55-7 1881-07-29 article
177, 178 Concerning Adeptship
ID: 11-177-02
J.K. London Spiritualist, No. 466, July 29, 1881, pp. 57-8 1881-07-29 article
178, 179 A Letter from Mrs. Emma Hardinge Britten
ID: 11-178-01
London Spiritualist, No. 466, July 29, 1881, pp. 58-9 1881-07-29 correspondence
179 The Theosophical Society
ID: 11-179-01
J.K. London Spiritualist, No. 466, July 29, 1881, p. 59 1881-07-29 correspondence
179 The Baron Du Potet on Mesmerism
ID: 11-179-02
London Spiritualist, No. 466, July 29, 1881, p. 59 1881-07-29 article
179 <untitled> (Miss Corner......)
ID: 11-179-03
London Spiritualist, No. 466, July 29, 1881, p. 59 1881-07-29 other
179 <untitled> (J.F.Y., Llanelli......)
ID: 11-179-04
London Spiritualist, No. 466, July 29, 1881, p. 59 1881-07-29 correspondence
180 <untitled> (The Psychological Review......)
ID: 11-180-01
Light, August 13, 1881 1881-08-13 article
180 Our Contemporaries
ID: 11-180-02
180 <untitled> (Occultism......)
ID: 11-180-03
180 Our Contemporaries
ID: 11-180-04
181, 182, 183 Mort de M. Le Baron du Potet de Sennevoy
ID: 11-181-01
Louis Auffinger, fils La Chaine Magnetique, Juillet 15, 1881, pp. 1-3 1881-07-15 article
183, 184, 185, 186, 187 Discours prononces sur la tombe de M. le baron du Potet
ID: 11-183-01
La Chaine Magnetique, Juillet 15, 1881, pp. 3-7 1881-07-15 article
187 <untitled>
ID: 11-187-01
188, 189 Echo de la Presse politique de Paris sur la mort de M. le baron du Potet
ID: 11-188-01
Louis Auffinger, fils La Chaine Magnetique, Juillet 15, 1881, pp. 8-9 1881-07-15 article
189 <untitled>
ID: 11-189-01
190 Theorie de la Transmission de Pensee
ID: 11-190-01
Rouher, Marcel La Chaine Magnetique, Juillet 15, 1881, p. 12 1881-07-15
191 Konx Ompax
ID: 11-191-01
London Spiritualist, No. 467, August 5, 1881, pp. 61-2 1881-08-05 article
192 Abstinences and Theosophy
ID: 11-192-01
C.C.M. London Spiritualist, No. 467, August 5, 1881, p. 70 1881-08-05
192 The Arya Samaj
ID: 11-192-02
C.C.M. London Spiritualist, No. 467, August 5, 1881, p. 71 1881-08-05
192 Answers to correspondents
ID: 11-192-03
London Spiritualist, No. 467, August 5, 1881, p. 71 1881-08-05 notice
192 <untitled> (Mr. Alexandre Aksakof......)
ID: 11-192-04
London Spiritualist, No. 467, August 5, 1881, p. 71 1881-08-05 notice
193, 194 Biographical Sketch
ID: 11-193-01
Tuttle, Hudson Religio-Philosophical Journal, v. 30, No. 18, July 2, 1881, pp. 3, 8 1881-07-02 article
194 The Uses of Great Men
ID: 11-194-01
Religio-Philosophical Journal, v. 30, No. 15, June 11, 1881, p. 8 1881-06-11 article
195 <untitled> (Besides the usuai budget......)
ID: 11-195-01
Amrita Bazar Patrika, The, August, 11 1881 1881-08-11 article
195 The Occult World
ID: 11-195-02
Amrita Bazar Patrika, The, August, 11 1881 1881-08-11 article
195 <untitled> (A correspondent asks......)
ID: 11-195-03
Indian Spectator, The, August, 14 1881 1881-08-14 article
195 <untitled> (-Six weeks after......)
ID: 11-195-04
Bombay Guardian, The, August, 13 1881 1881-08-13 article
195, 196 The Bombay Theosophical Society
ID: 11-195-05
Bombay Gazette, The, August, 10 1881 1881-08-10
196 The “Occult World” and the Theosophist
ID: 11-196-01
Bombay Guardian, The, August, 10 1881 1881-08-10 letter
196, 197 The Theosophists and “The Occult World”
ID: 11-196-02
inquirer Bombay Guardian, The, August, 22 1881 1881-08-22 article
197 The Theosophists and “The Occult World”
ID: 11-197-01
Bombay Gazette, The 1881-08-23 article
197 Our Destruction
ID: 11-197-02
Bombay Gazette, The, August, 27 1881 1881-08-27
197 The Season at Simla
ID: 11-197-03
, August, 29 1881 1881-08-29 article
197 <untitled> (The following piece......)
ID: 11-197-04
Dada Jaladhur Amrita Bazar Patrika, The, August, 18 1881 1881-08-18 article
197 <untitled> (Mr. A Senkariah......)
ID: 11-197-05
Vivekavarthany, The, August, 3 1881 1881-08-03 article
197, 198 Animal Magnetism & Homeopathy
ID: 11-197-06
Taylor, C.E., M.D.F.T.S. Saint Thomas Times, August, 24 1881 1881-08-24
198 <untitled> (The Pioneer announcer......)
ID: 11-198-01
Bombay Gazette, The, August, 29 1881 1881-08-29 article
198 <untitled> (Raja......)
ID: 11-198-02
Amrita Bazar Patrika, The, August, 25 1881 1881-08-25 article
198 Madame Blavatsky on “The Himalayan Brothers.”
ID: 11-198-03
H.P. Blavatsky London Spiritualist, No. 468, August 12, 1881, pp. 80-2 1881-08-12
200 <untitled> (Where the heart goes before......)
ID: 11-200-01
London Spiritualist, No. 468, August 12, 1881, p. 82 1881-08-12 notice
200 <untitled> (Some news......)
ID: 11-200-02
London Spiritualist, No. 468, August 12, 1881, p. 78 1881-08-12 notice
200 Be ye of One Accord
ID: 11-200-03
London Spiritualist, No. 468, August 12, 1881, p. 83 1881-08-12 article
200 <untitled> (Mystery:—Secrecy......)
ID: 11-200-04
London Spiritualist, No. 468, August 12, 1881, p. 83 1881-08-12 notice
200 <untitled> (Mr. Edwin Arnold......)
ID: 11-200-05
London Spiritualist, No. 468, August 12, 1881, p. 78 1881-08-12 notice
201 The Theosophists and “The Occult World”
ID: 11-201-01
Padshah, S.J. Bombay Gazette, The, August, 27 1881 1881-08-27
201 II
ID: 11-201-02
Mavalankar, Damodar K. 1881-08-26 letter
201 To the editor “Subodh Patrika”
ID: 11-201-03
Mavalankar, Damodar K. 1881-08-21 letter
201 <untitled> (During the last......)
ID: 11-201-04
Simla Courier, The, August, 26 1881 1881-08-26 article
202 Reuters Press Messages
ID: 11-202-01
202 <untitled> (According to Mr. Conway......)
ID: 11-202-02
203 “Theosophical Utterances”
ID: 11-203-01
Coulomb E., F.T.S., Coulomb As., F.T.S. London Spiritualist, No. 469, August 19, 1881, pp. 88-9 1881-08-19
203 An Adept on “The Occult Brothers”
ID: 11-203-02
Padshah, Sohrab J. London Spiritualist, No. 469, August 19, 1881, p. 89 1881-08-19
203, 204 The Alleged Himalayan Secret Society
ID: 11-203-03
London Spiritualist, No. 469, August 19, 1881, p. 95 1881-08-19
204 Corner Stone of Therapeutics
ID: 11-204-01
Taylor, C.E., M.D.F.T.S. Saint Thomas Times, August, 31 1881 1881-08-31
205 Calomnie et Fausse Nouvelle
ID: 11-205-01
L.A. La Chaine Magnetique, Aout 15, 1881, p. 13 1881-08-15 article
205, 206, 207, 208, 209 Discours Prononces sur la tombe de M. le baron du Potet
ID: 11-205-02
La Chaine Magnetique, Aout 15, 1881, pp. 13-7 1881-08-15 article
210 Protestation relative aux obsèques de M. le Baron du Potet
ID: 11-210-01
Cazeneuve, De La Chaine Magnetique, Aout 15, 1881, p. 18 1881-08-15 article
211, 212, 213 Somnambulisme–Mediumnite
ID: 11-211-01
La Chaine Magnetique, Aout 15, 1881, pp. 19-21 1881-08-15 article
211 A. M. J. de Chasternet Marluis de Puysegur
Officier général d’artillerie, auteur de la découverte du somnambulisme lucide.

ID: 11-211-02
213, 214, 215 Philosophie Spiritualiste (1)
ID: 11-213-01
Cahagnet, Alph. La Chaine Magnetique, Aout 15, 1881, pp. 21-3 1881-08-15 article
215 Sur la Theorie de la Transmission de Pensee
ID: 11-215-01
M. de Fleurville La Chaine Magnetique, Aout 15, 1881, pp. 23-4 1881-08-15
216 The Theosophical Society
ID: 11-216-01
Guening Mail, The, August 18, 1881 article
217 A street cobbler
ID: 11-217-01
217 A Letter from a Garibaldian
ID: 11-217-02
Rondi, E London Spiritualist, No. 470, August 26, 1881, p. 107 1881-08-26 correspondence
217, 218 The Theosophical Society
ID: 11-217-03
Wild, George London Spiritualist, No. 470, August 26, 1881, pp. 101-2 1881-08-26
218 Mesmerism
ID: 11-218-01
Chandos Leigh Hunt London Spiritualist, No. 471, September 2, 1881, p. 119 1881-09-02 correspondence
218, 219 The Occult World
ID: 11-218-02
Sinnett, A.P. London Spiritualist, No. 471, September 2, 1881, pp. 116-7 1881-09-02 article
219 Mr.Sinnett's Book on "The Occult world"
ID: 11-219-01
London Spiritualist, No. 472, September 9, 1881, p. 121 1881-09-09 article
219 <untitled> (The “KNEPH.”......)
ID: 11-219-02
219 <untitled> (The Bombay Guardian......)
ID: 11-219-03
Sunday Mirror, The, September 11, 1881 1881-09-11 correspondence
219 The Human Battery
ID: 11-219-04
Tailor, C.E. Saint Thomas Times, Wednesday 21, 1881 1881-09-21 article
220 <untitled> (The ne-Theosophical Society......)
ID: 11-220-01
220 <untitled> (An Anglo-Indian......)
ID: 11-220-02
220 <untitled> (Says the Times of India:-...)
ID: 11-220-03
Amrita Bazar Patrika, Thursday, September 15, 1881 1881-09-15 correspondence
220, 221, 222 The Occult World
ID: 11-220-04
Harbinger of Light, No. 133, September 1, pp. 2046-48 1881-09-01 article
222 The President's Deatch
ID: 11-222-01
Ceylon Times, The, September 22, 1881 1881-09-22 article
223 <untitled> (A new Theosophical Theosophical Society......)
ID: 11-223-01
Tribune, The, September 10, 1881 1881-09-10 article
223, 224 A Rival of Mr. Sinnett's Koot Hoomi Lal Singh
ID: 11-223-02
Koot Hoomi Sabz Singh Bombay Gazette, The, September 10, 1881 1881-09-10 article
224 <untitled> (Extremes meet. Koot Hoomi Lal Sing......)
ID: 11-224-01
Times of India, The, September 5, 1881 1881-09-05 article
224 <untitled> (The Patrika styles Madame Blavatsky's......)
ID: 11-224-02
Times of India, The, September 5, 1881 1881-09-05 article
224 <untitled> (Skittles at Simla......)
ID: 11-224-03
Times of India, The, September 5, 1881 1881-09-05 article
224 <untitled> (We learn from Simla......)
ID: 11-224-04
Amrita Bazar Patrika, The, September 1, 1881 1881-09-01 article
225 "Utter" Occultism and "Too Too" Occultists
ID: 11-225-01
News of the World, Calcutta, September 3, 1881 1881-09-03 article
225 Sinnettism
ID: 11-225-02
Bombay Gazette, The? 1881-09-29 article
225 <untitled> (We have got......)
ID: 11-225-03
Amrita Bazar Patrika, The, September 1, 1881 1881-09-01 article
225 <untitled> (We learn from Simla......)
ID: 11-225-04
Amrita Bazar Patrika, The, September 1, 1881 1881-09-01 article
225, 226 Mr. Sinnet's Occult World*
ID: 11-225-05
Bombay Gazette, The, September 24, 1881 1881-09-24 article
226, 229 Another Letter from Koot Hoomi Lal Singh's Brother
ID: 11-226-01
Bombay Gazette, The 1881? article
227 Christian and Eastern Theosophy
ID: 11-227-01
C.C.M. London Spiritualist, No. 472, September 9, 1881, p. 125 1881-09-09 correspondence
227 All the above facts...
ID: 11-227-02
Spiritualist, The, September 9, 1881 1881-09-09 correspondence
227 The Bishop of Manchester on Miracles
ID: 11-227-03
London Spiritualist, No. 472, September 9, 1881, pp. 128-29 1881-09-09 correspondence
227, 228 Error of the Theosophists
ID: 11-227-04
J.K. London Spiritualist, September 9, 1881 1881-09-09 correspondence
229, 230, 231 Order Above Us, Religion, or Christian Theosophy
ID: 11-229-01
Bengough,Samuel Edmund Medium and Daybreak, v. 12, No. 596, September 2, 1881, pp. 545-47 1881-09-02
231 <untitled> (Mrs. Guppy-Volckman......)
ID: 11-231-01
Medium and Daybreak, v. 12, No. 596, September 2, 1881, p. 547 1881-09-02 news
231, 232, 233 The Adeptship of Jesus Christ
ID: 11-231-02
J.K. Medium and Daybreak, v. 12, No. 596, September 2, 1881, pp. 553-56 1881-09-02 article
234, 235, 236, 237, 238 The Simla Eclectic Theosophical Society
ID: 11-234-01
239 <untitled> (We insert elsewhere......)
ID: 11-239-01
Amrita Bazar Patrika, Thursday, September 29, 18811 1881-09-29 article
239, 240 Clairvoyance and Spiritualism
ID: 11-239-02
Brittan, S.B. Banner of Light, Boston, Saturday, September 24, 1881 1881-09-24 correspondence
240 A correspondent at Allahabad signing himself "Native"..
ID: 11-240-01
Amrita Bazar Patrika correspondence
240, 240.1 Materialisation Manifestations
ID: 11-240-02
Showers, Frederica London Spiritualist, No. 473, September 16, 1881, pp. 134-35 1881-09-16 article
241 Notes from the of England
ID: 11-241-01
London Spiritualist, No. 473, September 16, 1881, pp. 138-43 1881-09-16 article
241 A "Daily Telegraph" Statement Considered
ID: 11-241-02
London Spiritualist, No. 473, September 16, 1881, p. 143 1881-09-16 correspondence
241 <untitled> (The Spiritualist organisation......)
ID: 11-241-03
London Spiritualist, No. 473, September 16, 1881, p. 143 1881-09-16 news
242 The English Translation of Professor Zollner's Experiments
ID: 11-242-01
London Spiritualist, No. 473, September 16, 1881, p. 144 1881-09-16 article
243, 244, 245 The Adeptship of Jesus Christ
ID: 11-243-01
J.K. , Medium and Daybreak v. 12, No. 598, September 16, 1881, pp. 577-79
245.1 The Creative Power of the Imagination and will
ID: 11-245.099-01
George Wild, M.D. article
245.1, 246, 247 The “Occult World,” by A.P. Sinnett*
ID: 11-245.099-02
Jennings, Hargrave Medium and Daybreak, v. 12, No. 599, September 23, 1881, pp. 601-03 1881-09-23 article
247 The Buddhist revival in Ceylon
ID: 11-247-01
Harbinger of Light, No. 134, October 1, p. 2070 1881-10-01 article
247 The Spiritualist
ID: 11-247-02
Light, v. 1, No. 39, October 1, 1881, p. 310 1881-10-01 notice
248 <untitled> (To Contributors...)
ID: 11-248-01
Light, v. 1, No. 37, September 17, 1881, p. 292 1881-09-17 notice
248 Notes by the Way
ID: 11-248-02
Oxon M.A. Light, v. 1, No. 37, September 17, 1881, pp. 292-93 1881-09-17 article
249 The Deification of the Sons of Moonshine
ID: 11-249-01
London Spiritualist, No. 473, September 16, 1881, pp. 145-46 1881-09-16 article
249 <untitled> (Obsession...)
ID: 11-249-02
London Spiritualist, No. 473, September 16, 1881, p. 146 1881-09-16 notice
249 The Nomenclature of Spiritualism
ID: 11-249-03
London Spiritualist, No. 475, September 30, 1881, p. 157 1881-09-30 article
250 A Psychic Warning
ID: 11-250-01
Constantine, A. article
251 The Career of Baboo Peary Chand Mittra
ID: 11-251-01
London Spiritualist, No. 474, September 23, 1881, pp. 148-49 1881-09-23 article
251, 252 The Brothers
ID: 11-251-02
H.M. London Spiritualist, No. 475, September 30, 1881, pp. 166-67 1881-09-30 article
252 Mesmeric Healing in the West Indies
ID: 11-252-01
London Spiritualist, No. 475, September 30, 1881, p. 163 1881-09-30 article
252 Maroti Bawa's Wonders
ID: 11-252-02
London Spiritualist, No. 474, September 23, 1881, pp. 153-54 1881-09-30 article
252.1 Casting out Devils
ID: 11-252.099-01
London Spiritualist, No. 474, September 23, 1881, pp. 154-55 1881-09-23 article
253 A Marvellous Tale
ID: 11-253-01
Light, v. 1, No. 39, October 1, 1881, p. 310 1881-10-01 article
253 <untitled> (It was an awkward mistake......)
ID: 11-253-02
Indian Spectator, The, October 2, 1881 1881-10-02 notice
253 We learn that Mr. Munshee Meer Shujaet...
ID: 11-253-03
The Vivekavarthany, wednesday October 12, 1881 1881-10-12 article
253, 254 The Sunday Mirror gives...
ID: 11-253-04
Tribune, The, saturday, october 15, 1881 1881-10-15 article
254 <untitled> (A critic criticised...)
ID: 11-254-01
Tribune, The?, saturday, october 15, 1881 1881-10-15 article
254 <untitled> (The Theosophical Society...)
ID: 11-254-02
Tribune, The?, saturday, october 15, 1881 1881-10-15 article
254 ...
ID: 11-254-03
255, 256 The Great Pyramid of Cheops
ID: 11-255-01
Yarker, John, Ill.Bro.33◦-96◦ Kneph, v. 1, No. 10, October 1, 1881, pp. 73-4 1881-10-01 article
256 <untitled> (The "Kneph."-Considering......)
ID: 11-256-01
Kneph, v. 1, No. 10, October 1, 1881, p. 79 1881-10-01 notice
256 Antient and Primitive Rite
ID: 11-256-02
Kneph, v. 1, No. 10, October 1, 1881, p. 79 1881-10-01 article
257 Spiritismus und Spiritualismus
ID: 11-257-01
Light, mehr Light!, Sonntag, October 2, 1881 1881-10-02 article
257, 258, 259 Die Arbeiten der Theosophischen Gesselshaft in Indien
ID: 11-257-02
Light, mehr Light!, Sonntag, October 2, 1881 1881-10-02 article
260 The Reviewer
ID: 11-260-01
Banner of Light, Boston, Saturday? October 10, 1881 1881-01-10 article
260 Grand Literary Union
ID: 11-260-02
261, 262 "North American Review" on "Ghost Seeing"
ID: 11-261-01
C.C.M. Light, October 1, 1881 1881-10-01 article
261 Change for the Better
ID: 11-261-02
262 Notes by the Way
ID: 11-262-01
M.A. (Oxon) Light, October 1, 1881 1881-10-01 article
263 The Theosophist
ID: 11-263-01
Light, October 8, 1881 1881-10-01 article
263 Notes on a Visit to Paris
ID: 11-263-02
Harrison, W.H. Spiritualist, The, October 14, 1881 1881-10-14 article
264 Credulity
ID: 11-264-01
Spiritualist, The, October 21, 1881 1881-10-21 article
264 The Himalayan Brothers
ID: 11-264-02
Alice Gordon, F.T.S. Spiritualist, The, October 21, 1881 1881-10-21 correspondence
264 Courses or Ex-votos
ID: 11-264-03
Blake, C. Carter Spiritualist, The, October 21, 1881 1881-10-21 correspondence
265 The Human "Double"
ID: 11-265-01
Observer Spiritualist, The, October 28,1881 1881-10-28 correspondence
265 Sir,- Some ten Years ago,..
ID: 11-265-02
No Delusion Spiritualist, The, October 28,1881 1881-10-28 correspondence
265 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-265-03
Spiritualist, The, October 28,1881 1881-10-28 correspondence