
From Teopedia

from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 11, p. 112
vol. 11
page 112


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< The Occult World (continued from page 11-111) >

any reader of his book can call upon one of them and see him.

The mysterious unseen individuals are the “Brothers” alleged to exist by the Theosophists. They are said to be those to whom the men of science in former ages taught their secrets, which secrets have been handed down from generation to generation to carefully- selected initiates, who, says the author, formerly at great public ceremonies “displayed the powers with which their knowledge of natural laws invested them.”

The exhibition of great psychical powers is no proof of knowledge on the part of the individual. The Davenports exhibited such powers, but what knowledge and philosophy about their own powers have they been able to impart from first to last? Mr. Sinnett says that adepts of occultism can exhibit “results that prove them immeasurably further advanced than ordinary modern science in a comprehension of the forces of Nature.” How can “results” prove “comprehension?” A donkey can switch his tail, a very good result in hot weather when flies are plentiful, but does the donkey therefore comprehend as much about the nature of the act as a physiologist? Again, we are told that occultism can account for the astounding discovery “that secluded Orientals may understand more about electricity than Faraday;” if so, where are the electric telegraphs, electric lights, and electro-motors of these Orientals, and where can the alleged Orientals be seen?

After seven pages asserting the existence of knowledge in the world beyond the pale of the populace, Mr. Sinnett asks: “How is it that conclusions of such great weight have been kept the secret property of a body of jealous initiates? Is it not a law of progress that truth asserts itself, and courts the free air and light?”

The following is his reply, so worded that he does not appear to be at ease with his answer, even in his own mind:—

“Now, it is no business of mine to defend the extreme tenacity with which the proficients in occultism have hitherto not only shut out the world from the knowledge of their knowledge, but have almost left it in ignorance that such knowledge exists. It is enough here to point out that it would be foolish to shut our eyes to a revelation that may now he partially conceded, merely because we are piqued at the behaviour of those who have been in a position to make it before, hut have not chosen to do so. Nor would it be wiser to say that the reticence of the occultists so far discredits anything we may now be told about their acquirements. When the sun is actually shining it is no use to say that its light is discredited by the behaviour of the barometer yesterday. I have to deal, in discussing the acquirements of occultism, with facts that have actually taken place, and nothing can discredit what is known to be true. No doubt it will be worth while later on to examine the motives which have rendered the occultists of all ages so profoundly reserved. And there may be more to say in justification of the course that has been pursued than is visible at the first glance.”

“Facts that have actually taken place” prove no comprehensive knowledge of those facts, beyond that of their occurrence, on the part of anyone. If a flying-fish rises from the Bed Sea, to the astonishment of those who have never seen one, it is no proof that Occultist Brothers, knowing all about flying fish, have existed from time immemorial in the fastnesses of the Himalayas.

On page twelve we come to the fundamental point on which we are as yet at variance with the author of the book, namely, that in which he seeks to establish that his occult phenomena are not identical with those of Spiritualism, for after reading about the phenomena of occultism for years, we have never soon a scrap of evidence that they are not of the same nature and origin as those given through ordinary mediums. Mr. Sinnett says:—

“Occult phenomena must not be confused with the phenomena of Spiritualism. The latter, whatever they may be, am manifestations which mediums can neither control or understand. The former arc achievements of a conscious, living operator comprehending the laws with which he works. If these achievements appear miraculous, that is the fault of the observer’s ignorance.”

So far as we know, no Spiritualist believes the phenomena to be “miraculous,” but the result of natural laws belonging to the spiritual side of nature, and the cause of Theosophy, whatever it may be, cannot be advanced by the additional inaccurate statement, that the Spiritualist “has never been able to get a clue to any other than a supernatural explanation of the causes at work.” We are not aware that any of the readers of this journal look upon the phenomena as miracles, or as supernatural in the sense of not being governed by fixed laws. Why display us in these colours?

<... continues on page 11-113 >