Die Arbeiten der Theosophischen Gessel-schaft in Indien
The Occult World
The Occult World, by A. P. Sinnett. London: Trubner & Co., 1881.
The author of this work was well-known in literary circles in England years ago, before his duties on the best newspaper in India, The Pioneer, of Allahabad, began. After Colonel and Mrs. W. Gordon accomplished their pioneer work of being the first to forcibly and efficiently draw the attention of thinking residents in India to Spiritualism, through the columns of The Pioneer, which journal has always treated the subject honourably, Mr. Sinnett gave earnest and conscientious attention to the phenomena, consequently for some time Ma-dame Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott were the guests of himself and Mrs. Sinnett, as well as of others of their acquaintance, the latest result being the issue of the work published last Saturday by Mr. Trubner.
The book is dedicated to one, the utterance of whose name evolves, as yet, no sympathetic throb in the European breast, namely, Koot Hoomi Lal Singh, “whose comprehension,” says Mr. Sinnett, “of Nature and Humanity, ranges so far beyond the science and philosophy of Europe, that only the broadest-minded representatives of either will be able to realise the existence of such powers in Man as those he constantly exercises.” The author further says that the “gracious friendship” of Koot Hoomi Lal Singh, has given him “his title to claim the attention of the European world.” So much for the credentials.
Mr. Sinnett states, in his introduction, that there is a school of philosophy still in existence of which modern culture has lost sight, but that glimpses of it are discernible in the ancient philosophies with which all educated men are familiar, and that he has come “to know” that a knowledge has constantly been present in the world, for which modern metaphysicians and men of science have been blindly groping for centuries. He has “come into some contact” with the heirs of this knowledge, but, disappointingly enough, he does not say where <... continues on page 11-112 >

< Die Arbeiten der Theosophischen Gessel-schaft in Indien (continued from page 11-111.1) >
<Untitled> (Schon lange wollte...)
Editor's notes
London Spiritualist, No. 459, June 10, 1881, pp. 265-69