
From Teopedia

from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 11, p. 124
vol. 11
page 124


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< An Adept on "The Occult Brothers" (continued from page 11-123) >

failure, for even the very first physical and psychical principles of true theosophy and occult science are quite unknown to and unpractised by the members of that organisation, the Theosophical Society.

But if “the Brothers” are only a branch of the old established firm of Devil & Co., and if they know merely some secrets of black, or eventually white magic, they have set a very adroit snare for enquiring and striving minds.

I willingly allow them to know all they do know, and when sufficient evidence is forthcoming I will give an impartial verdict.

Be it now as it may, no one needs specially go to India or Thibet in order to find that knowledge and power which are latent in every human soul, and which by spiritual discipline and isolation can be attained irrespective of locality, for God encompasses us everywhere.

Whother a combination of adepts has, or could have, lasting influence upon political affairs, I am strongly inclined to doubt.

There are some who would trace the footsteps of the Rosicrucians in recent political revolutions, but no tangible proof has as yet been produced to justify this theory. All we can do is to imitate the life of Christ to raise the moral status of the people, by teaching them the way and the truth.

I consider that it is quite “worth while” to develope the divine faculties which are latent within us, and he who lives strictly according to the dictates of his divine reason and less irrationally than the run of the world, whether he become an “adept” or not, will be physically, mentally, morally and spiritually the better for it.

The life of reason is the only real life; the life of unreason is a living death.

J. K.

Die Arbeiten der Teosophischen Gesselshaft in Indien


Editor's notes

  1. Die Arbeiten der Teosophischen Gesselshaft in Indien by unknown author, Light, Mehr Light!