
From Teopedia

from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 11, p. 121
vol. 11
page 121


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Established in 1869.
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To following Ladies and Gentlemen have published their names in connection with their Literary Contributions to The Spiritualist:—

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Alexander Calder, Esq., President of the British National Association of Spiritualists.

Colonel H.S. Olcott, President of the Theosophical Society of New York.

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Mrs. Weldon (Miss Treherne).

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D.H. Wilson, Esq., M.A., LL. M (Cantab).

T.P. Barkas, Esq., F.G.S.

J.N.T. Martheze, Esq.

Mrs. Showers.

William Newton, Esq., F.R.G.S.

H.G. Atkinson, Esq., F.G.S.

John E. Purdon, Esq., M.B., India.

William White, Esq.

Miss Florence Marryat.

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The Spiritualist has a steadily rising Circulation in all the English-speaking Countries on the Globe. It is regularly on sale at 33, Museum-street, London; 5, Rue Neuve des Petits Champs, Palais Royal, Paris; 2, Lindenstrasse, Leipzig; Signor G, Parisi, Via Della Maltonia, Florence; Signor Bocca, Librario, Via del Corso, Rome; Britich Reading Rooms, 267, Riviera di Chiaja, opposite the Villa Nazionale, Naples; 37. Rue Florimont, Liege; Josefstaad, Erzherzog 23, Alexander Gasse, Buda-Pesth; 84, Russell-street-South, Melbourne; Messrs. Kelly and Co., Shanghai; 51, East Twelfth-street, New York; Banner of Light Office, 9, Montgomery place, Boston, U.S.; Religio-Philosophical Journal Office, Chicago; 319, Kearney-street, San Francisco; 325, North Ninth-street, Philadelphia; No. 1010, Seventh-street, Washington.

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Theosophical Utterances

In various Theosophical utterances which have been circulated among Spiritualists, are assertions that the phenomena of Spiritualism can be produced by the will-power of embodied individuals, and there have been delicate hints that Spiritualists are mere phenomena-swallowers, who have not yet risen to the heights of philosophy.

The public interests of Spiritualism demand that close critical attention should he given to the first of these assertions, which fortunately is one capable of being clearly and absolutely dealt with, because its final court of appeal is that of experimental demonstration; and this journal last week pointed out that no difference between the two alleged kinds of phenomena has yet been proved to exist, the unverified assertions of an individual having; been used to fill the opposite side of the balance. When the Dutch settled in America, they taught the simple Indians how to use scales, and how the weight of the furs the natives placed in the one pan, was to be ascertained by the weight of the foot of a fat and vigorous Dutchman, placed in the other. History repeats itself.

In a letter in another column, that the whole point at issue depends upon the assertions of one person is not denied, except to the extent that a single witness, Colonel Olcott, can furthermore be called in to support his colleague, who hitherto has been standing alone; and as Colonel Olcott cannot wish to be silent at a critical juncture, opinion may he suspended till he has published what he has to say about his interviews with the alleged “Brothers.”

The main point, that the publicly unverified assertions of one person are almost entirely at the root of the Theosophical side of the matter, being conceded, there is small temptation to go into other details, except to protest against having expressed any opinion who John King may or may not be. Those who, like Mrs. Showers, have conversed with him in their own homes for years, and who alone are most competent to express an opinion, state honestly that they do not know who he is, but <... continues on page 11-122 >

Editor's notes

  1. presentation by unknown author, London Spiritualist, No. 461, July 24, 1881, p. 289
  2. Theosophical Utterances by unknown author, London Spiritualist, No. 461, July 24, 1881, p. 289
