< Matter and Method* (continued from page 11-145) >
The “Harbinger of Light” on the “Philosophic Inquirer”
Mediums and Adepts
The assumption that the “spirits” of the departed were active agents in the production of all the phenomena, and the terminology founded on that assumption, have caused the present, as well as past, misunderstanding, by paralysing the minds of the earlier investigators, and giving to later ones preconceived ideas fixing their regard, not on the force, not on the facts, but on the assumed invisible directors of them. Let me illustrate my meaning.
In this far-country home of mine, when we first came to live at it, the water-works were perpetually going wrong, and as often as they went wrong, a plumber was sent for from Glasgow to repair them, because nobody was supposed to be able to deal with water force, except a plumber. Till at last, for some reason or other, the plumber was unable to pay his usual visit, and there was nobody to conquer the stubborn little spring, unless we did so ourselves. We put our heads and hands to the work, and had no further need for plumbers.
Traditional assumption had paralysed us by fixing our regard on conducting men, instead of on water force.
I mean no disparagement, when I compare angel Peter to this angelic tradesman, who wrought faithfully and was content with his Wages, but I would submit that just as others besides plumbers can deal with water force, so others besides disembodied Peter can deal with psychic force, Akaz, Bkaz—anything you like to call it.
Your correspondent, “J.K.,” says very truly, and you Sir, have, yourself, I think, said so also, that “mesmerism” is the key to the occult.
A sensitive, or “medium,” is a locu1 of Akaz.
A “mesmerizer,” or “adept,” is a wielder of Akaz.
Not unfrequently, however, (as in my own case) a sensitive easily mesmerised, is himself a powerful mesmeriser; and a “medium” easily “controlled” is also sometimes a powerful adept.
Let me plead for the attention of Spiritualists to psychic force, rather than to Peter, as the object of their study, and for the attention of Theosophists to conduct, rather than to the Himalayas, as a means of arriving at the “Centre.”
Drim nan Righ, Argyll, July 11th, 1881.
Editor's notes
London Spiritualist, No. 465, July 22, 1881, pp. 41-2