< Theosophy and Spiritualism (continued from page 11-134) >
existence of persons who have attained the science, and realised the powers of soul. In that case, however, such persons are not very likely to plead before J. K. for his “impartial verdict.” As far as I can make out, their position in regard to the general public and the Theosophical Society is this. They do not regard it as at all important that their existence should be generally known and believed in. But they do recognise in the Theosophical Society an organisation devoted to the acquisition and dissemination of spiritual knowledge and unsectarian religion. As such it may be guided and utilised when it manifests sufficient growth and vitality for important purposes. It was as a “Brother-hood of Humanity,” not as a special training-school for occult science, that the Society was formed. Its principles oblige its members to know no difference in their regards between great and small, rich and poor, Christian and “heathen;” and to endeavour to their utmost to subvert all exclusive and arrogant distinctions as grounds of estimation among men. How large a field of influence and action this conception opens will be apparent to everyone who reflects on the very superficial prevalence of what are called liberal ideas in the world, and especially on the anti-humanitarian effects of religious dogmatism. We seek, in short, the realisation of the social principle of which Jesus of Nazareth was one of the greatest exponents. We believe that the world is ripening for this movement, and that it may be advanced by an association whose members undertake a special and solemn obligation to realise practically among themselves the principles inculcated. These include individual culture, an unselfish life, and knowledge of universal religion. There can be little doubt that the Oriental Brotherhood designed and instigated the formation of the Society with these aims. Unfortunately, the special notoriety of its ostensible foundress, Madame Blavatsky, diverted the views of many, even of its members, to vague expectations of a training and experience for which necessarily very few are fitted. In this direction we have had little or no encouragement, and it would have been well if a misleading view of the character of the Society had never been presented to the public. Nevertheless, it is true that a study of occult science has a special attraction for all our members, and is included in our programme. But by “occult science” we certainly do not merely mean the secret of performing what Madame Blavatsky herself contemptuously designates “psychological tricks.” Rather, we understand by it, the science of the soul to be reached, as far as any one can mount, by an experimental life. That soul-science, like others, is experimentally verified, that we must live the life if we would know the truth, is perhaps one reason why we have not received the instructions which some of us hoped for. Without this higher experience, however, we can learn semething by unprejudiced study of the natural powers of the soul, and how these may be manifested in certain conditions, quite apart from spiritual attainment. This brings us into connexion with phenomenal Spiritualism, which, without indulging in the offensive “hints” you impute to us, we naturally regard from our own point of view, and which we certainly think would be all the better for a little of our philosophy, or rather of our studies. For my own part I find theosophy quite reconcilable with Spiritualism, nay, inclusive of it, if the latter is not unwisely narrowed by definition to assumptions which occult studies tend to correct.
25th June.
The Study of the Occult
Spiritualists and Theosophists might well join hands, for both are engaged in the same pursuit—the study of the Occult. It is probably not owing to the “Brothers” that the modern wave of spirit manifestations in the West, has been during the last thirty years passing over society; yet, on the other hand (who knows?) it may be owing to the providential influence of the Himalayan mystic brotherhood, inasmuch as it is rumoured that from the elevation, spiritual as well as physical, of their mountain fastnesses, they exercise over the world the powers, or providence of a kind of petty gods. It may be that the whole movement of modern Spiritualism is owing to the ruling influence of these occult ministers to humanity; but I prefer to ascribe it to a higher influence still, and believe that the “Brothers,” perceiving that the world, moved by the Divine Spirit, is already marching that way, they begin to go with the times, and are being won over to reveal some few of their secrets. I believe the period is approaching, and that mankind are taking the first initiatory steps thereto, when there will be no secrets, nothing hidden, except from those who choose to be ignorant. The power of ruling by spirit over Nature, will be possessed by all men as their birthright, and consciously exercised with beneficient motives. Spiritualism, still a sprawling infant, <... continues on page 11-136 >
Editor's notes
- ↑ The Study of the Occult by Onesimus, London Spiritualist, No. 462, July 1, 1881, pp. 9-11
London Spiritualist, No. 462, July 1, 1881, pp. 9-11