< The Study of the Occult (continued from page 11-135) >
imagining it can walk and even run, is making but the feeblest taps at the colossal adamantine gates which shut in the transcendent treasures of supernal science. Most certainly with mediums of gross bodies, and still slaves to the pleasures and gratifications of the material plane, Spiritualists will only continue to grope blindly on the outermost borders of the great kingdom they should subdue. The “Adepts,” or “Brothers,” or “Theosophists,” point the true way, which is that of self-conquest, self-purification; the right of possession by the destruction of the only enemy which bars the way, the lower natural man; the self-hood. Without this, Spiritualism, as the wiser Spiritualists already begin to perceive, having had their eyes opened through much suffering, will only serve to introduce those who are by no means angels, to disembodied beings of a like character; and may give them, through the open door of some unfortunate medium’s body, the sight, sound, feeling, and even odours of the hells to which, by their perverted lives, they are linked.
Physical mediumship, as it is practised at the present day, is scarcely a step higher, if indeed in some cases it be any higher, than the exhibitions of the Hindoo conjurors or Fakirs. We ignorant Europeans call it conjuring, while they, possessed of a certain knowledge, handed down through many generations from father to son, but which they hide from the vulgar outer world, are most probably in secret communion with helpful disembodied beings, many of whom they possibly hold in a species of subjection to their wills to carry out their behests. The Fakir has the advantage of the physical medium, that he consciously, and at will, exercises his seemingly miraculous control over matter, or inertia. The “elementals” fly to do his bidding, and he remains master of the situation, of himself, of his elfin coadjutors and of his audience, for he never lets them see more than he chooses. The physical medium, on the other hand, gives himself up, a passive machine, into the power of a spirit, or spirits, to do with, as they may see fit, for any length of time. I myself, religiously believe that the guides or guardians of physical mediums, when known, are good and beneficent, if not wise, care-takers of the souls and bodies committed to their charge. These controlling spirits, initiated in spiritual science, may themselves perform the wonders they present, or they may be done at their bidding, by the “elementals.” I am not sure of this, but have still to learn. The controlling spirit uses the body of the medium as a sort of ground upon which to exhibit the superiority of spirit over matter, for the further advancement of mankind. The Fakir, or Yogi, in his own body possessing this superior knowledge and power, uses it sometimes with the pure and wise intention of proving a truth, but nearly always only for money, or gifts. By Fakirs I do not mean “Adepts” or the “Brothers,” I mean the lower order of “Hindoo conjurors,” so named by Europeans. An “Adept” makes no unnecessary exhibition of mere power over matter; he lives for higher things.
When Theosophy and the superior knowledge possessed by Madame Blavatsky, the ambassadress of the Brotherhood to mankind, were first heard of, Spiritualists were still in the glamour of their infatuation over their new idols—mediums and the wonders of mediumship. They were more enraged than thankful to be shown that their idols were made of clay, and turned upon their would-be benefactors, who strove to open their eyes, as if they would rend them to pieces. No so all Spiritualists, however. A small body drew apart from the blatant following of mediums, into which Spiritualism, for the herd, seemed to be resolving itself, in order to pursue the study of the occult, or Theosophy, which is the “Science of the Wisdom of God.” These are probably the small lump of leaven which will leaven the whole mass of Spiritualists, for it will not be long before all students of the occult must recognise the wisdom of the Theosophists, and seek to follow their better and higher methods for the cultivation of spirituality, mediumship or adeptship, by whatsoever name it may be called. Indeed, Spiritualists of the highest mental tone, whether members of the Theosophical Society or not, already begin to teach and follow these purer methods. Something more is demanded of mediums than the mere vulgar exhibition of a meretricious power; and the medium of gross and immoral life is more frequently abandoned, and discarded, than at first was the case. Spiritualists have had time to discover for themselves that their idols are made of clay, and that there are spirits sufficiently low to lend their aid to deception, falsehood, and knavery of every shade and description, to say nothing of blacker sins, if not to be the inciters and instigators thereto, whensoever the medium’s proclivities incline in the same direction.
Spiritualists of the highest intelligence have long since grown tired of listening to the vaticinations of beings from the other world, <... continues on page 11-137 >