< A Letter from Mrs. Emma Hardinge Britten (continued from page 11-178) >
and the methods prescribed for its accomplishment, having appealed forcibly to my best judgment, I have, as above stated, employed the last few years of my wanderings in gathering up from every available and authentic source, the necessary materials for my great task.
As it has been furthermore made clear to me, that the present time has been specially designed for its commencement, I would now solicit from those who may be interested in it, such literary contributions of a personal or local character, as each one may feel impressed to send. I do not promise to use all I may thus receive, because the ultimate selection of matter for publication must necessarily exclude at least ninety per cent, of the mass I have to select from.
Still, I should be glad to avail myself of the widest possible field of information on this deeply momentous subject, especially so, as I propose to add to the history of the movement, a large number of brief biographical sketches of such personages as have been prominently and usefully connected with it. Trusting that the friends of Spiritualism will aid me, as far as possible, in accomplishing a work which gratitude to the spiritual authors of the movement, no less than justice to posterity, imperatively demands, I am, ever reverendly and faithfully, The Servant of God and the Angels,
P.S.—Prepaid postal matter can be addressed to my residence, The Limes, Humphrey Street, Cheetham Hill, Manchester, England. [Foreign Journals please copy.]
The Theosophical Society
Sir,—I regret to perceive that my friendly warning, for such I intended it to be, has been taken in an unfriendly spirit, but have not the slightest objection to let the controversy expire.
The Baron Du Potet on Mesmerism
Some time ago the late Baron Du Potet presented. us the copyright of the most practical and. useful of his works on mesmerism, but we have resolved to relax in our exertions to bring out new standard psychological books, in consequence of the stumbling-blocks placed across our path by Spiritualists, while doing this useful work. When the translation of Professor Zollner’s book was bought out, an American Spiritualist firm at once pirated it without the consent of the author, translator, or publisher, helping itself to much valuable work without paying for it; and a London Spiritualist notorious for two years’ persistent antagonism to us, took the trouble to write to an Australian journal recommending the pirated edition, and making a remark calculated to raise public prejudice against the price of the English one. When active steps likely to cut down the sale of books in America and Australia are thus taken, we cannot continue to any great extent the commercially risky work of bringing out psychological books, and must revert to the custom prevalent in the movement before I we commenced issuing standard works, of requiring guarantees against loss before bringing out a proportion of useful books. If various Spiritualists will send us in advance orders amounting in the aggregate to 200 copies of Baron Du Potet’s work at 7s. 6d. each, we are willing to bring out the excellent book, but cannot attempt it otherwise.
<Untitled> (Miss Corner...)
Miss Corner, who has been on a visit to the Baron and Baroness Von Vay, will next Tuesday leave Gonobitz to visit Mr. and Mrs. Cranstoun at Lucerne.
The Annual Camp Meeting of Spiritualists at Lake Pleasant, Massachusetts, began on the 15th of this month, and will continue until the 5th of September. From the engravings sent us, the scenery in the locality appears to be magnificent.
Australia is adding to the book literature of Spiritualism. We have just received from Melbourne a consignment of copies of a new work entitled “Spiritual Philosophy” consisting of spirit messages purporting to come from Swedenborg.
Spiritualism and the Church of England:—At the Church Congress to be held in Newcastle on the 4th of October next, the Revd. Dr. R. Thornton will read a paper on Spiritualism, after which the Revd. Randall T. Davidson, Mr. W. R. Browne, and Canon B. Wilberforce will speak on the subject.
The Arya-Samaj: “Ignorance” writes, “Some Theosophists have been careful to define their position to the Arya-Samaj, but not one of them has told us what the Arya-Samaj is. Is it something to eat? I repudiate the idea that it is an ostrich, and oppose the argument that it is an omnibus driver, but am ready to fight for anything mysterious, if anyone will give me a hint what it is.”
Koot Hoomi:—An Eastern scholar who has studied occultism writes to us, “Koot Hoomi Lal Singh is a genuine Indian name, as genuine as William Jones in England. It is not ‘Koot Hoomi’ alone. I believe in the real and material existence of such a person, who will probably be found to be a common jogi, like the one at Allahabad.”
Mr. J. A. Campbell’s Letters:—Mr. J. A. Campbell has begun issuing to subscribers his series of letters on Spiritualistic subjects, and the first one is exceedingly interesting. He forcibly sets forth that when wonderful phenomena are divorced from morality and united to vulgarity and ignorance, they should be studied merely as phenomena, and not reverenced. We hope that he will have many readers; those who desire to take in the series should write to Miss C. A. Burke, 88, St. Stephen’s Avenue, Shepherd’s Bush, London.
The Duke of Manchester and a Healing Medium:— We extract the following from a recent Sydney telegram, which appeared in the Herald:—The Duke of Manchester has attended one of Milner Stephen’s seances, He saw some deaf patients operated upon, and having been deaf in one ear for many years, His Grace determined to personally test the efficacy of Mr. Stephen’s treatment, the patients having declared that they were cured. Mr. Stephen breathed into the Duke’s ear, and after a short treatment His Grace could hear with the ear for the first time for many years. A watch was placed to his ear, and he said he could hear the ticking for the first time for twelve years.—Harbinger of Light (Melbourne) June 1st, 1881.
<Untitled> (J.F.Y., Llanelli...)
J. F. Y., Llanelly: We have heard nothing more about the alleged development of clairvoyance by the method you mention.
M: Our suggested explanation of the brooch incident applies also to the cigarette-case incident.
Editor's notes
- ↑ The Theosophical Society by J.K., London Spiritualist, No. 466, July 29, 1881, p. 59
- ↑ The Baron Du Potet on Mesmerism by unknown author, London Spiritualist, No. 466, July 29, 1881, p. 59
- ↑ Miss Corner... by unknown author, London Spiritualist, No. 466, July 29, 1881, p. 59
- ↑ J.F.Y., Llanelli... by unknown author, London Spiritualist, No. 466, July 29, 1881, p. 59
London Spiritualist, No. 466, July 29, 1881, p. 59