
From Teopedia

from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 11, p. 131
vol. 11
page 131


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< The Alleged Himalayan Brothers (continued from page 11-130) >

secresy, we have always hitherto refused to join even any society which enjoins secresy in any particular. But in addition to the abnormal secresy about themselves fostered by the Himalayan Brothers, it is manifestly a selfish and reprehensible life to leave the world with its sorrows and its sins needing alleviation, for the sake of personal spiritual advantages. Such a life does not appear to be a good life, but one of intense greediness on the spiritual plane.

Perhaps much of the public antipathy to Spiritualism lies with secretive people, who have a latent dread that if Spiritualism and its powers be true, the time must come, either in this world or in the next, when that which is done in secret, will be proclaimed on the housetops.

That a section of Spiritualists should try to lead better lives, should study the religious philosophies of all ages, and attempt to obtain control over spiritual phenomena, is good work to undertake. Under present conditions it is however best that the few, and not the many, should devote themselves to the study of ancient and modern unsectarian divinity. Other needs of the hour are more pressing. There are too many theories and far too much talk, religious and otherwise, in the world. The somewhat scarce people who show what is in them by their acts, and who talk little, despite the example of the British Parliament, are the need of the time. For instance, when a lady of high religious aspirations recently entered with enthusiasm the abode of Spiritualism, in the belief that it was what it ought to be, she was promptly swindled by some of the servants and slandered by others, in the entrance hall. Upstairs, in one room, were people listening in the dark to the din of flying fiddles, and receiving with aspiring minds the revelations of angels named Johnny, Jemmy, Joey, Tommy, and Toby. What had they to do, whilst thus indulging in their religious exercises, with what was going on in the hall? In another room were the Theosophists, proudly controlling their own fiddles with their own will-power, whilst singing the anthem: “Thank God that we and our Himalayan brethren are not as other men are,” and lashing themselves, as the vulgar might mistakenly fancy, into a high state of self-righteousness. If servants were making a victim of a lady visitor downstairs, was that any reason why they should rush to her aid? No. In these anti-chivalric days, such household trifles could not possibly be expected to divert the attention of noble creatures who were receiving religious revelations from the Himalayan Brothers, and submitting to vaccination with Yog, direct from the young gentleman with the dubious turban. Besides, had not their superiors, the Himalayan Brothers themselves, sent a much respected lady out into the world all alone, to fight for their principles, after furnishing her with inadequate weapons, and credentials which necessitate adverse criticism?

The spirits who produce manifestations on the physical plane, often have a keen appreciation of a joke, and are not above amusing themselves at the expense of slightly credulous sitters. Koot Hoomi’s name, which he admits is not his real one, but his “mystical Thibetan name,” is manifestly a humourous corruption, suggested maybe by Serjeant Cox, of “Who am I?” From his Himalayan heights he doubtless saw that the question would be a vortex of interest in the future.

More of the Thoughts of an Adept

When man relinquishes the irrational mode of life, and abstains from alcohol and flesh meat, the low sensual animal life no more exists for him. Woman, then, also resumes her purity, and is no more regarded as a mere toy. There is a divine principle in the thought of man, and also in the love of woman, but it only gains its full expression in a pure, natural life.

Woman’s weakness is her belief in man as he is. In looking up to man as a being superior to herself, the Divine Being within her is disregarded. Woman, when undeluded by false ideas engrafted by custom, has intuitions which are unerring. God lives even more in the unclouded involuntary unconscious feelings of woman than in man’s clouded reason. Man may reason, but woman feels. Woman would consciously live in the divine manifestation if man were but exalted enough to guide her. There may be, even in this degraded sensual age, many women who are unconsciously immaculate, and who would arrive at the Perfect State if the way were but pointed out to them, and they were not deluded and degraded by the errors and impurities of depraved custom. Both man and woman could be perfect if they did not repress their nobler, loftier divine nature, to live only an irrational, sensual, animal life. The last sophistry of sensuality is:—“We must live according to the laws of our nature,” meaning thereby the artificial demands of depraved customs. Not only have men degraded their divine nature, but they <... continues on page 11-132 >

Editor's notes

  1. More of the Thoughts of an Adept by J.K., London Spiritualist, No. 462, July 1, 1881, pp. 3-5
