
From Teopedia

from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
vol. 3, p. 102
vol. 3 (1875-1878)
page 102


  • HPB note
  • HPB highlighted
  • HPB underlined
  • HPB crossed out
  • <Editors note>
  • <Archivist note>
  • Lost or unclear
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Madame Blavatsky on Home


The Fight Between Spiritualism and Occultism


Sil as a Cure for Insanity


The Theory of a German Investigator


Notes and Extracts


<Untitled> (Watkins, the state writer)

Sunday Boston Herald Nov. 4 1877

Watkins, the state writer, is in New York city, where Mme. Blavatsky is said to have had a sitting with him and received a message written in the Russian language.

Ullman`s Wonderful Dog

To the Editor of The Sun


Another Batch of Facts and Opinions from D.D.Home – Buguet, Leymarie, Ellifas Levi, etc.


Editor's notes

  1. Spiritualism by unknown author, Boston Herald (?)
  2. Madame Blavatsky on Home by unknown author, Boston Herald (?)
  3. The Fight Between Spiritualism and Occultism by Bloede, G., Boston Herald (?)
  4. Sil as a Cure for Insanity by unknown author, Boston Herald (?)
  5. The Theory of a German Investigator by unknown author, Boston Herald (?)
  6. Notes and Extracts by unknown author, Boston Herald (?)
  7. Watkins, the state writer by unknown author, Boston Herald, Sunday, November 4, 1877
  8. Ullman`s Wonderful Dog by Veritas, Sun, The
  9. Another Batch of Facts and Opinions from D.D.Home – Buguet, Leymarie, Ellifas Levi, etc. by unknown author