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Author(s): | Zorn G.A. |
Place: | Odessa, Russia |
Date: | 1891-07-16 |
Language(s): | Russian, English |
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Receiver(s): | Blavatsky H.P. |
Place: | |
Date: | |
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Person(s): | Olcott H.S.; Alexander Otho |
Place(s): | Corfu, Greece |
Other: | |
Concerns: | |
Summary and notes
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Location: | GARF, items: Ф. Р-5972. Оп. 1. Д. 79. Л. 23 |
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Other languages
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Russian | |
from: | Zorn G.A. |
to: | Blavatsky H.P. |
date: | 1891-07-16 |
[Stamp:] Gustav Albertovich Zorn.
Odessa, 2 of October 1885
Dear and most honorable Helena Petrovna,
I confirm my last lines [from the letter] of 2d of September. Yesterday I have received a letter from Mr. Otho Alexander to Corfu, from which I rewrite the following place:
As to Col. Olcott and Madame Blavatsky I not only agree with you and sympathise warmly, but I am extremely glad to hear that Madam B. is out of danger. When you may have occasion to write to her, do offer that good & excellent Lady my grateful, sincere and respectful regards and congratulations for her recovery.
so I do with a special pleasure.
Wishing you all the best, I stay soulfully respecting you,
Gustav Zorn
Original letter in old Russian and English
[Stamp:] Густавъ Альбертовичъ ЦОРНЪ.
Одесса, 2-го Октября 1885 г.
Дорогая и многоуважаемая Елена Петровна!
Подтверждаю мои послҍднiя строки от 2-го Сент. Вчера я получилъ письмо отъ г-на Otho Alexander в Корфу, изъ котораго переписываю слҍдующее мҍсто: As to Col. Olcott and Madame Blavatsky I not only agree with you and sympathise warmly, but I am extremely glad to hear that Madam B. is out of danger. When you may have occasion to write to her, do offer that good & excellent Lady my grateful, sincere and respectful regards and congratulations for her recovery.
что я и исполняю съ особеннымъ удовольствiемъ.
Желая Вамъ всего лучшаго, остаюсь душевно уважающiй Васъ,
Густавъ Цорнъ