
This page lists properties and their usage counts available for this wiki. For up-to-date count statistics it is recommended that the property statistics maintenance script is run on a regular basis. For a differentiated view, see the unused or wanted properties special pages.

List of properties

  1. Document type + of type Text (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  2. ERRC + of type Page (0 uses) <ul><li>This property is hardly used within the wiki!</li> <!--br--><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/lib/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>
  3. ERRT + of type Page (0 uses) <ul><li>This property is hardly used within the wiki!</li> <!--br--><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/lib/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>
  4. ETG related term + of type Page (0 uses) <ul><li>This property is hardly used within the wiki!</li> <!--br--><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/lib/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>
  5. ETG term diacritical + of type Text (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  6. ETG term image + of type Text (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  7. Equivalent URI"Equivalent URI" is a <a href="/lib/Special:Types/URL" title="Special:Types/URL">type</a> and predefined property provided by <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a> to represent URI/URL values. (0)
  8. Files of original of type Text (77 uses)
  9. Full name of type Text (29 uses)
  10. HPB Caves letter of type Page (38 uses) <ul><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/lib/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>
  11. HPB Isis Unveiled chapter number of type Text (25 uses)
  12. HPB Isis Unveiled chapter title of type Text (28 uses)
  13. HPB Isis Unveiled volume of type Text (28 uses)
  14. HPB SB image file name of type Text (1,010 uses)
  15. HPB SB item ID of type Text (4,090 uses)
  16. HPB SB item author of type Text (1,087 uses)
  17. HPB SB item author signed of type Text (124 uses)
  18. HPB SB item categories of type Text (386 uses)
  19. HPB SB item continues on pages of type Text (1,235 uses)
  20. HPB SB item date + of type Text (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  21. HPB SB item image + of type Text (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  22. HPB SB item item + of type Page (0 uses) <ul><li>This property is hardly used within the wiki!</li> <!--br--><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/lib/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>
  23. HPB SB item language of type Text (14 uses)
  24. HPB SB item notes of type Text (592 uses)
  25. HPB SB item original date of type Text (287 uses)
  26. HPB SB item page + of type Page (0 uses) <ul><li>This property is hardly used within the wiki!</li> <!--br--><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/lib/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>
  27. HPB SB item pages + of type Text (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  28. HPB SB item publication date of type Text (1,971 uses)
  29. HPB SB item source + of type Text (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  30. HPB SB item source details of type Text (1,883 uses)
  31. HPB SB item source title of type Text (2,154 uses)
  32. HPB SB item status of type Text (4,088 uses)
  33. HPB SB item subtitle + of type Text (0 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  34. HPB SB item title of type Text (3,232 uses)
  35. HPB SB item translator of type Text (8 uses)
  36. HPB SB item type of type Text (4,102 uses)
  37. HPB SB item untitled of type Boolean (1,234 uses)
  38. HPB SB item volume + of type Page (0 uses) <ul><li>This property is hardly used within the wiki!</li> <!--br--><li>All properties should be described by a page!</li> <!--br--><li>No type was specified for this property (assuming type <a href="/lib/Special:Types/Page" title="Special:Types/Page">Page</a> for now).</li></ul>
  39. HPB SB page item of type Text (4,078 uses)
  40. HPB SB volume absent pages of type Text (11 uses)
  41. HPB SB volume description of type Text (11 uses)
  42. HPB SB volume link of type Text (11 uses)
  43. HPB SB volume note of type Text (7 uses)
  44. HPB SB volume number of type Text (11 uses)
  45. HPB SB volume number sortable of type Text (11 uses)
  46. HPB SB volume page of type Text (4,082 uses)
  47. HPB SB volume pages total of type Text (11 uses)
  48. HPB SB volume pages with inlay of type Text (10 uses)
  49. HPB SB volume period of type Text (11 uses)
  50. HPB SB volume title of type Text (4 uses) This property is hardly used within the wiki!