Aksakoff, Alexander Nikolaevich
(1832-1903) • Alexandr Aksakov Russian writer, translator, journalist, editor.
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Zirkoff, Boris
(1902-1981) was an American Theosophist, editor and writer; a relative of H. P. Blavatsky, his mother was Lydia ...
Wachtmeister, Constance
(1838-1910) was the companion and coworker of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (H.P.B.) from 1885 until Blavatsky's dea ...
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Cuvier, Georges
(1769-1832) was a French naturalist and zoologist.
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[1] The Jewish priest and scribe, who, circa 450 B.c., compiled the Pentateuch if indeed he was not ...
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Fadeeva, Nadezhda Andreevna
(1828-1919) was H.P. Blavatsky’s aunt. Lived in Odessa. The head of the first Theosophical Society in Russia.
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Bacon, Francis
(1561-1626) • Lord Verulam was an English philosopher, historian and statesman. Bacon has been called the father of empiricism ...
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Church, Frederick Stuart
(1842-1924) American artist.
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Gebhard, Gustav
(1828-1900) was German banker and silk factory owner, theosophist, H.P. Blavatsky visited his estate in Elberfel ...
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Gebirol, Solomon Ben Jehudah
Called in literature Avicebron. An Israelite by birth, a philosopher, poet and Kabbalist, a volumino ...
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Mead, George Robert Stow
(1863-1933) was an English Theosophist, scholar, and writer; H. P. Blavatsky’s private secretary since 1889.
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Lanigan, George Thomas
(1845-1886) Canadian journalist and poet.
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Grossul-Tolstoy, Pyotr Lvovich
(1839(?) – 1904) writer, publicist, publisher-editor of the newspaper Novorossiyskiye Vedomosti (1869-1872), publ ...
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Haug, Martin
(1827-1876) was a German Orientalist, Iran and Sanskrit scholar.
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Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna
(1831-1891) • HPB She was the main source of Theosophical teachings and discussed the major themes of Theosophy in man ...
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Olcott, Henry Steel
(1832-1907) was an agriculturist, American military officer, journalist, lawyer, and co-founder of the Theosophi ...
Jacolliot, Louis
(1837-1890) was French orientalist, writer and traveller, who translated Manusmriti (Laws of Manu) into Fren ...
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Baissac, Jules
(1827-1898) French theologist, who viewed Satan as a 'Centrifugal Energy of the Universe’ in a cosmic sense [[Ca ...
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Betanelly, Michael
was a Georgian immigrant engaged in export-import business. He married Helena Petrovna Blavatsky ...
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New J.C.
(1831-1906) He was a United States banker and lawyer who held a variety of government positions. He was Treasur ...
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Blavatsky, Nikifor Vladimirovich
(1810-1873 (?)) Vice Governor (1849-1861) of Erivan Province (now Armenia) of Russian Empire; husband of [[Blavatsky ...
Blavatsky, Nikolai Dmitrievich (1837-?) | |
Orlovsky, Konstantin Ivanovich
(1810-1876) Tiflis civil governor (1860-1876) and Privy Councilor, originally from the nobility of the Bessarabi ...
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Ovsyanikov-Kulikovsky, Dmitry Nikolayevich
(1853-1920) literary scholar, linguist, critic, publicist; he studied at the historical-philological department ...
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Lully, Raymond
An alchemist, adept and philosopher, born in the 13th century, on the island of Majorca. It is claim ...
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Renan, Joseph Ernest
(1823-1892) was a French philosopher, writer, religious historian and semitologist.
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Zhelikhovsky, Vera Petrovna
(1835-1896) • Jelihovsky The younger sister of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.
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Solovyov, Vsevolod Sergeyevich
(1849-1903) • Solovieff • Solovief • Solovioff was a Russian historical novelist. He became a TS member in 1884, but on February 16, 1886, he resig ...
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Blavatsky, Yuri
(1858-1867 (?)) • Youry Blavatsky Infant-ward of H. P. Blavatsky and N. V. Blavatsky.