from Adyar archives of the International Theosophical Society
<In the Caves and jungles of Hindustan>
<H. P. Blavatsky>
<(Letter X)>
From the Caves and Wilds of Hindustan
<See text of Letter X.>
<... continues on page 6-4 >

<Untitled> (Calculation sheet)
Branches – | 61 |
Burmah – | 4110 & 5 Societies |
Siam – | 1900 & 4 Societ. |
Thibet – | 1750 · 2 lamaseries |
India & Ceylon | 500 (init) |
“out of” | 1322 (...) |
... & Samaj | 14,000 |
The rest Europe in | 43 Branches |
In New York | 105 Initiated with fees |
" " | 394 without fees. |
Editor's notes
- ↑ From the Caves and Wilds of Hindustan by Blavatsky, H. P., Univercity Printing House, Saint Petersburg, editor M. Katkov, pp. 1-51. Title in Russian: "Изъ пещеръ и дебрей Индостана". Letters 10-19 published separately in brochure and pasted here without any comment. Letter X on SB pages 3-9; XI on 9-11; XII on 11-15; XIII on 15-8; XIV on 18-23; XV on 23-30; XVI on 30-4; XVII on 34-7; XVIII on 37-45; XIX (mistyped as XVIII) on 45-54. Letters 1-29 published in Moskovskie Vedomosti: Letter I on SB page 114-7; II on 117-9; III on 119-20; IV is absent; V on 121-4; VI on 124-6; VII on 126-8; VIII on 128-31; IX on 131-3; X on 135-8; XI on 138-9; XII on 139-41; XIII on 141-3; XIV on 143-6; XV on 146-9; XVI on 149-51; XVII on 151-2; XVIII on 153-8 (disordered); XIX on 158-63; XX on 163-6; XXI on 167-74; XXII on 175-80; XXIII on 180-91; XXIV on 191-3; XXV on 193-7; XXVI on 198-202; XXVII on 203-208; XXVIII on 208-225; XXIX on 225-231.
- ↑ Calculation sheet by unknown author. Inlay with some calculation, probably TS membership statistics