Letters concerning Blavatsky HP

From Teopedia
Date Sender Receiver Summary
1891-07-16 Besant A. Zhelikhovsky V.P. About H. S. Olcott as a sole executer & residuary legatee of HPB, her will about gold medal and Olcott's assent to give away some little personal effects of HPB to V. P. Zhelikhovsky.
1892-07-08 Besant A. Zhelikhovsky V.P. About some pamphlet and photo sent to V. P. Zhelikhovsky, V.P.Zh.'s publication at Mme. Adams and issue of "Nightmare Tales".
1892-07-16 Besant A. Zhelikhovsky V.P. About damage of "Nightmare Tales" during delivery to V. P. Zhelikhovsky, authorship of "Polar Lands" wrongly assigned to HPB and bad translation of "Why I became a Theosophist" into French.
1893-08-05 Besant A. Zhelikhovsky V.P. Annie Besant thanks V.P.Zh. for received photo, books, and papers; writes about her visit and defense of HPB at Psychical Research Society and about affairs of Countess Wachtmeister and her son. Letterhead with TS emblem, no address or organization.