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Table of contents
Vol. Page Title Author Source Date Type Notes
1 10 Grandmother and granddaughter
ID: 01-010-01
Novoskoltsev, A. N. image
1 112 <untitled>
ID: 01-112-02
image Wolf and lamb
1 113 <untitled>
ID: 01-113-01
image Two monkeys
1 118 View Above Sweet Brier
ID: 01-118-01
1 120 <untitled>
ID: 01-120-01
image Picture of forest in mountains
1 122 <untitled>
ID: 01-122-01
image Leaves in color
1 127 <untitled>
ID: 01-127-03
image Woman with a child
1 133 <untitled>
ID: 01-133-03
image Bird-man
1 138 <untitled>
ID: 01-138-01
image Man in circle
1 139 Fig. 3. – Indian Tent Scen...
ID: 01-139-01
image The rest of title is covered by оrnament
1 139 <untitled>
ID: 01-139-02
1 141 <untitled>
ID: 01-141-01
image Caravan
1 142 A Distant View of Amsterdam
ID: 01-142-03
1 143 <untitled>
ID: 01-143-02
image Cat's head
1 148 But it continued to freeze nevertheless, so he had to order a lot of overcoats, and get up
ID: 01-148-06
1 148 <untitled>
ID: 01-148-07
image Freezing man
1 148 What! Ice in the jug!...
ID: 01-148-08
image Freezing man
1 149 <untitled>
ID: 01-149-01
image Two women and a man in a line
1 149 <untitled>
ID: 01-149-02
1 149 <untitled>
ID: 01-149-03
image Freezing man is running
1 149 <untitled>
ID: 01-149-04
image Freezing man is sleeping
1 150 An Indian Girl
ID: 01-150-03
1 154 <untitled>
ID: 01-154-03
image photograph of Baron Henry de Palm
1 157 <untitled>
ID: 01-157-03
image Bird
1 159 Peace and War
ID: 01-159-02
1 160 <untitled>
ID: 01-160-02
image Hawk and cock with some birds
1 162 <untitled>
ID: 01-162-01
1 167 <untitled>
ID: 01-167-05
image Cat with cup
1 169 <untitled>
ID: 01-169-01
image Photo of the "destitute Arabs". Photo has drawing on it, which restore the missing parts
1 169 <untitled>
ID: 01-169-03
image Red official stamp
1 17 A Greco-Russian Priest in his War-Paint
ID: 01-017-02
1 173 <untitled>
ID: 01-173-01
image Photos of 2 Arabs out of 13
1 174 <untitled>
ID: 01-174-01
image Man and woman
1 174 <untitled>
ID: 01-174-02
image Monk
1 178 <untitled>
ID: 01-178-03
image Donkey-man
1 178 <untitled>
ID: 01-178-04
image Lion-man
1 183 The Trial of Messrs. Slade and Simmons at Bow Street Police Court
ID: 01-183-01
Gregory, C. 1876-10-20 image
1 2 Row of Hindoo Temples at the Foot of Fort Ulwar
ID: 01-002-01
1 2 A Hindoo Shrine and Choultry
ID: 01-002-02
1 200 <untitled>
ID: 01-200-02
image Dog barking on ass
1 200 <untitled>
ID: 01-200-03
image Boar
1 202 <untitled>
ID: 01-202-02
image Crying elephant
1 202 <untitled>
ID: 01-202-03
image Woman
1 203 <untitled>
ID: 01-203-01
image Warrior on a horse
1 203 <untitled>
ID: 01-203-02
image Woman with a child (or an angel)
1 206 <untitled>
ID: 01-206-01
image Two angels with an Egyptian woman head to the right
1 206 <untitled>
ID: 01-206-03
image Egyptian woman
1 206 <untitled>
ID: 01-206-04
image Greek warrior
1 206 <untitled>
ID: 01-206-06
image Man walking out the door.
1 206 <untitled>
ID: 01-206-07
image She-goose in dress