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Table of contents
Vol. Page Title Author Source Date Type Notes
3 101 The following document
ID: 03-101-01
Markov, V. St. Petersburg Vedomosti 1876 letter Protest against conclusion of the scientific Commission (headed by D.I. Mendeleev) on spiritualism phenomena, signed by 130 persons. In Russian, without a title. Published in St. Petersburg News (С.-Петербургскiя Вҍдомости). HPB has translated main part of this article and published in Spiritual Scientist as Spiritualism in Russia; it is pasted in SB 1:157.
3 102 Spiritualism
ID: 03-102-01
Boston Herald (?) article
3 102 Madame Blavatsky on Home
ID: 03-102-02
Boston Herald (?) notice
3 102 The Fight Between Spiritualism and Occultism
ID: 03-102-03
Bloede, G. Boston Herald (?) notice
3 102 Sil as a Cure for Insanity
ID: 03-102-04
Boston Herald (?) notice
3 102 The Theory of a German Investigator
ID: 03-102-05
Boston Herald (?) notice
3 102 Notes and Extracts
ID: 03-102-06
Boston Herald (?) notice
3 102 Ullman`s Wonderful Dog
ID: 03-102-08
Veritas Sun, The 1874-02-04 article
3 102 Another Batch of Facts and Opinions from D.D.Home – Buguet, Leymarie, Ellifas Levi, etc.
ID: 03-102-09
1874-12 (?) article
3 103 Letter from Mme. Leymarie in Contradiction of the Statements of Mr. Home
ID: 03-103-01
Leymarie, Marina, Leymarie, Jeanne Boston Herald 1876-03-31 article
3 103 A Wonderful Entertainment
ID: 03-103-10
Harttord Journal, Sunday Morning, December 20 1875-12-20 (?) article
3 103 Snake Mary`s Tactics
ID: 03-103-11
3 103 Spiritualists do not deny
ID: 03-103-02
Cornell, Elder M. E. notice
3 103 Light Wanted
ID: 03-103-03
H.N.S. article
3 103 Mr. Home is identified with the Catholic church
ID: 03-103-04
J.R.B. note
3 103 The pusillanimity of the men of science
ID: 03-103-05
Olcott, H. S. note
3 103 Dr. G. Bloede has found the columns of the Herald open
ID: 03-103-06
note Signed: Spiritual Scientist
3 103 The great conjuring word
ID: 03-103-07
Sargent, Epes note
3 103 At the recent meeting of the Grand Lodge
ID: 03-103-08
3 103 Light Wanted
ID: 03-103-09
H.N.S. 1875 article
3 11 Important Caution to Slanderers
ID: 03-011-01
Britten, E. H. Banner of Light 1875-05-14 article
3 11 The London Spiritual Magazine, in noticing D. D. Home's book
ID: 03-011-02
3 113, 115 Demoniality
ID: 03-113-02
Wild, R.S. Examiner, The, No. 3,535, October 30, 1875, pp. 1224-25 1875-10-30 article
3 114 Mr. D. D. Home is at Acqui
ID: 03-114-01
3 115 How Tyndall Proposed for His Wife
ID: 03-115-03
3 117 On Positive Ignorance
ID: 03-117-01
Dubbink, J.H. article without ending
3 12 Spiritualism Rampant
ID: 03-012-01
Olcott, H. S. New York Tribune 1875-09-07 article From New York Tribune of 1875-09-17
3 12, 14 Colonel Olcott & Spiritualism
ID: 03-012-02
Brittan, S. B. New York Tribune article
3 13 A Theory Relating to Evil Influences
ID: 03-013-04
Smart, A. J. article
3 130 Keeping up Appearance, Ancient Theosophy; or Spiritism in the Past
ID: 03-130-01
Hardy, Mary M., Sotheran, Charles Herald, Spiritual Scientist, v. 4, No. 10, May 11, 1876, p. 116 1876-05-11 article
3 14 John Wesley Misquoted
ID: 03-014-01
W.H.C. Sun, The article
3 15, 16 The Theosophical Society and Its President
ID: 03-015-01
Olcott, H. S. 1876-01-17 article
3 16, 17 Atoms
ID: 03-016-01
Scientific article From "All the Year Round"
3 17 Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson
ID: 03-017-01
3 18, 20 The Ancient City
ID: 03-018-01
Coutanges, Fostel de (?) article
3 200 Concord Books
ID: 03-200-01
3 21 A Royal Funeral in Egypt
ID: 03-021-01
3 213 Prof. Balfour Steward of Owen's College
ID: 03-213-01
notice handwritings
3 215 <untitled>
ID: 03-215-01
3 215, 216, 217 <untitled>
ID: 03-215-02
3 22, 23, 24, 25 The Human Soul – Its Origin and Immortality
ID: 03-022-02
3 222 The Liberal(?) Christian
ID: 03-222-01
Tailor, T. B. 1875-05-10 article Uncludes the letter: “Materialization of Spirit Hands” – Review of Rev. J. H. Wiggin
3 224 The Immortal Life
ID: 03-224-01
Olcott, H. S. 1875-08-23 article New York Tribune
3 234 The Age of Existing Races of Men
ID: 03-234-07
3 237 Bancroft's Treatment of the "Witchcraft Delusion"
ID: 03-237-02
3 237 Magnetization of Metals
ID: 03-237-03
3 237 The Soul in Dream Land
ID: 03-237-05
3 25, 26, 27, 28 Cosmism. Anthromorphism. Spirituality and Idolatry
ID: 03-025-01
Cushing, T. article
3 251 A great traveler, and most larned modern writer
ID: 03-251-02
3 252, 253 The Kobolds Have Come
ID: 03-252-01