Blavatsky H.P. Scrapbooks

in Adyar archives, International Theosophical Society

Table of contents
Vol. Page Title Autor Source Date Type Notes
1 1 Empty
1 2 Row of Hindoo Temples at the Foot of Fort Ulwar image
1 2 A Hindoo Shrine and Choultry image
1 3 image Title of vol.1 enriched with decoration fragments in color, + inviting card “Funeral Obsequies of Joseph Henry Louis Charles, Baron de Palm”
1 4 The Rece… Mexico image middle part of the title is missing
1 5 image 2 images in color
1 5 Paragraph about H.P.B. HSO Daily Graphic, Vol. ?, p. 195 27.11.1874
1 5 Marvellous Spirit Manifestations Signed H. P. Blavatsky HPB Daily Graphic, Vol. V, p. 873 30.10.1874
1 6, 7 About Spiritualism HPB Daily Graphic, Vol. VI, p. 90-91 13.11.1874
1 7 Letters from an Idiotic Spiritualist Spiritualist [HPB ?] Daily Graphic, Vol. VI, p. 91 13.11.1874
1 7 Dr. Beard and the Eddys [HPB ?] Daily Graphic, Vol. VI, p. 91 13.11.1874
1 7 More Spiritual Wonders. Shakespeare and Bacon and Spirits Phrenology includes chart "The Spiritual Charts"
1 7, 8 Some interesting Passages about the Reigning Sensation Brown The Daily Graphic November 1874
1 8 Unpractical Spirits Irvin Francis Fern The Daily Graphic (?)
1 8 A Protest from Col. Olcott 13.02.1875
1 8 A Word with Mr. Hazard 19.12.1874
1 9 Mme Blavatsky. Her Experience—Her Оpinion of American Spiritualism and American Society London Spiritualist 13.12.1874
1 9 Nature Spirits
1 9 Clemence S. Lozier, M.D. image
1 10 Grandmother and granddaughter G. Novoskoltsov image Text in Russian:

Г. Новоскольцев, "Бабушка и внучка"

1 11, 12 Materialised Spirit Forms Benlamin Coleman The Spiritualist 01.01.1875
1 13 Human Levitation 08.01.1875
1 13, 14, 15, 16 The Mediumship of the Eddy Broters H. S. Olcott 08.01.1875
1 16 Travelling in the Spirit 08.01.1875
1 17 The Odour of Sanctity
1 17 Heroic Women 18.01.1875
1 17 A Card from H. P. Blavatsky
1 17 The Great Sensation of the Age American Publishing Co.Hardford & Chicago
1 17 A Greco-Russian Priest in his War-Paint image
1 18 A Letter from “Honesty” The Banner of Light, Jan. 30, 1875, p. 2 30.01.1875
1 18 A Challenge to Messrs. Robert Dale Owen & Dr.Child Dr. Bloede The Banner of Light, Jan. 30, 1875, p. 2 30.01.1875
1 18 An Earnest Word to Robert Dale Owen 30.01.1875
1 18, 19 The London Katie King Thomas Blyton The Banner of Light, p. 4 30.01.1875
1 19, 20, 21 The Philadelphia "Fiasco", or Who is Who? H. P. Blavatsky Banner of Light. Boston, Vol. XXXVI, pp. 2-3 30.01.1875
1 20 inlay (front, back) Important note H. P. Blavatsky
1 21 Col. Olcott in Boston
1 21 What Olcott believes
1 21, 22 The Scientific Relation of the Shotgun
1 21 Our artist, once upon a time... image
1 21 inlay Ponderable Ghosts Pall Mall Budget 12.10.1875 ?
1 22 New York World on Spiritualism
1 23, 24 Who Fabricates? H. P. Blavatsky Spiritual Scientist 16.03.1875
1 25 Disorganisation among American Spiritualists London Spiritualist 11.03.1875
1 25 image picture with HPB’s note: “The "materialized" reflection of an American Spiritualist in a cabinet’s aperture”
1 25, 26, 27 Remarkable Spiritual Manifestations in Philadelphia J. M. Roberts Banner of Light 17.04.1875
1 27 A Budget of Good News Spiritual Scientist 27.05.1875
1 27 A Familiar List
1 27 Hindoo Guide with Bubble-bubble image
1 28 Deserved Compliments 12.04.1875
1 28 A Metaphysical Convict The Spiritualist 23.04.1875
1 29 Important to Spiritualists Brotherhood of Luxor
1 30 Important to Spiritualists Spiritual Scientist 29.04.1875
1 30 A Message from Luxor Spiritual Scientist 29.04.1875
1 30-31 untitled "We regret to announce..." 18.06.1875
1 31 Notice Spiritual Scientist 01.07.1875
1 31 Untitled. “It is not the whiskey...” William Clark
1 31 Exposure of the Eddys W. H. Wild
1 31-32 Spirit Materialization R. E. Cross Spiritual Scientist 03.07.1875
1 33 The Raven Edgar Allan Poe
1 33 Testing Mediums Robert Cooper Spiritual Scientist 01.07.1875
1 33 The Power of Spirits over Common Matter
1 33 The Subtitlies of Friendship Emma Tuttle
1 34 The Relations of the Human Brain to Spiritual Phenomena Prof. J. R. Buchnanan Spiritual Scientist 03.06.1875
1 35 Dispelling Thunber by ringing Church Bells Henry Belinaye Spiritual Scientist 29.10.1874
1 35 Fraudus and Tests H. S. Olcott Spiritual Scientist 03.06.1875
1 36 Love's Sovereignty John G. Saxe
1 36 A New Departure from Matherialism Spiritual Scientist 05.1875
1 36 From the Other World Henry S.Olcott Daily Graphic 04.05.1875
1 36 untitled “It is rumored that one or more Oriental Spiritualists...” HPB
1 37 Appeal to Mediums Alexandre Aksakoff Spiritual Scientist 08.07.1875 ?
1 37 Russia (Letter to H.P.B. from A. Aksakoff) A. Aksakoff Spiritual Scientist 08.07.1875
1 37 A Card to the American Public H. S. Olcott, H. P. Blavatsky 08.07.1875
1 37-38 A Word of Advice to the Singing Medium, Mr. Jesse Sheppard H. P. Blavatsky 08.07.1875
1 38 Our Rogue's Gallery 22.07.1875
1 38 Madame Blavatsky's Work 22.07.1875
1 39 Mr. Owen's Insanite H. S. Olcott Spiritual Scientist 15.07.1875
1 39 Mutterings of a Storm H. S. Olcott Spiritual Scientist 15.07.1875
1 39-40 A Rich Reward H. S. Olcott Spiritual Scientist 15.07.1875
1 40 untitled “The Encyclopedia Britannica has an article...”
1 40 An Irrepressible Conflict 15.07.1875
1 41 image picture with sphinx and child
1 41-42 A few Questions to Hiraf (1) H. P. Blavatsky 15.07.1875
1 43-45 A few Questions to Hiraf (2) H. P. Blavatsky 22.07.1875
1 45 What are you going to do about it? H. S. Olcott, H. P. Blavatsky 22.07.1875
1 46 Rosicrucianism E. A. ∴ 05.08.1975
1 46 Ex Nihilo Nihil-Fit Charles Sotheran 05.08.1975
1 46 Retributive Lustice H. S. Olcott
1 47-48 Msr. Holmes Caught Cheating Spiritual Scientist 22.07.1875
1 48 The Immortal Life H. S. Olcott New York Daily Tribune 30.08.1875
1 48-49 Physical ... and The Banner of Light The Banner of Light 11.09.1875 The title is partly missed
1 49 Rule to Try Mediums H. S. Olcott, W. F. Jamieson 12.07.1875
1 49 What is done in the Dark The Sun 19.08.1875
1 49-50 The Eddy Family, Mrs. Comant, etc. Spiritual Scientist 26.08.1875
1 49 untitled “In a letter to Col. Olcott...” Spiritual Scientist 05.08.1875
1 50 The Frauds of Scientists H. S. Olcott Spiritual Scientist 02.09.1875
1 51 Free Love and Moral Degeneration H. S. Olcott Spiritual Scientist 02.09.1875
1 51 image pictures of flowers in color on both sided of article “Ghosts That are Ghosts”
1 51-54 Ghosts That are Ghosts H. S. Olcott ???from The New York Sun, Aug, 18 04.09.1875
1 54 A Most Astonishing Test–A Piano-Forte Lifted on an Egg without Crushing the Shell ???from The New York Sun, Aug, 27 04.09.1875
1 54-55 Rosicrucianism in New York J. H. Wiggin The Liberal Christian 04.09.1875
1 55 The Spiritual Scientist H. S. Olcott Scientific American 04.09.1875
1 56 Elementary Spirits
1 56 Occult Philosophy H. P. Blavatsky ? Spiritual Scientist 09.09.1875
1 57 Those Liberal Club Snuffers Tribune 10.09.1875
1 57 Spiritualism Rampant. Embryonic Men H. S. Olcott 07.09.1875
1 57-58 Oriental Spiritualism Spiritual Scientist 18.09.1875
1 57 3 small images in color image
1 58 Occultism 18.09.1875
1 58 Magnetism or Natural Magic Mrs. Serena Mirner 18.09.1875
1 58 The Double Buddha 18.09.1875
1 59-61 From Madame H. P. Blavatsky to her Correspondents H. P. BlavatskyRev. Dr. Bellows 23.09.1875
1 59 image picture of sea battle
1 59-60 An Enquiry 23.09.1875
1 61 An Important Question 30.09.1875
1 61-62 The Theosophical Society 30.09.1875
1 62 Mr. Olcott on Spiritualism The World 03.10.1875
1 62 Proselyters from India Herbert D. Monachesi The Sunday Mercury 08.10.1875
1 62 untitled “People are so unaccustomed nowadays...”
1 63 image 2 pictures of leaves in color
1 63 image picture “An Orissa Brahmin”
1 63 Mr. Olcott answers The Banner H. S. Olcott Spiritual Scientist 04.10.1875
1 63 Letters from a Distinguished Occultist Lux (S. Pancoast) 04.10.1875
1 64 The Ring of Science H. S. Olcott 03.10.1875
1 64 Ancient Works on Occult Science Lex et Lux, W.A.A. 03.10.1875
1 64 Test Conditions Demanded 03.10.1875
1 65 Re-incarnation; Occultism Alfred CridgeGridge 03.10.1875
1 65 Announcement about the book “Startling Facts in Modern Spiritualism” 03.10.1875
1 66 Thoughts in answer to Correspondents 21.10.1875
1 66 Plain Statements and Explanations 21.10.1875
1 66 Life and Scenes in Sitka, ... image the right part of the picture and the rest of title are cut of
1 67 image picture of houses in mountains under the article “An Important Letter”
1 67 An Important Letter H. S. Olcott 21.10.1875
1 68 Ponderable Ghosts Pall Mall Budget 12.10.1875
1 68 7. Russian Soldier. 8. One of the Blue Blood image
1 68 9. One of the Blue Blood image
1 68 image picture with HPB’s note at the bottom “…"And is this really so?" enquires Maha Nayaka Urnans of Ceylon… after reading Olcott’s book” (need to check correct spelling of the name of Nayaka Urnans)
1 69 Occultism and Its Critics H. S. Olcott Spiritual Scientist
1 70 Christus Pacificator George Wentz
1 70-71 The Science of Magic H. P. Blavatsky Spiritual Scientist, Boston, Vol. III, pp. 64-65 14.10.1875
1 72 Occultism Louisa Andrews Spiritual Scientist
1 72 Occultism E. P. Miller M.D.
1 73 The Eddy Materializations E. P. Miller M.D. ?
1 74 Shelley on the Immortality of the Spirit Charles Sotheran Spiritual Scientist
1 75 Spiritualism in Russia H. S. Olcott
1 75 Col. Olcott Explains
1 76 Art Magic
1 76 Soothsayers and Necromancers Rev. Dr. Bellows 25.10.1875
1 - (Inserted) A New Hypotesis The Spiritualist 05.11.1875 atricle is absent
1 77 Preamble & By-Laws of the T.S. The Spiritualist
1 78 By-Laws of the T.S.
1 79 The Cabala
1 80 "Spirit Vale" The Spiritualist 22.10.1875
1 81 image 2 untitled pictures
1 81-83 An Unsolved Mystery Spiritual Scientist 25.11.1875
1 83 “An Unsolved Mystery” (Written Nov.27) Spiritual Scientist
1 83 “An Unsolved Mystery” Endreinek Agardi Spiritual Scientist 02.12.1875
1 84-86 From Сhittenden to Havana R.R.Lear Spiritual Scientist
1 86 Jesuitism VS "Art Magic"
1 86 Letter from G.L.Ditson Banner of Light 27.11.1875
1 87 A Letter from Mme Blavatsky Spiritual Scientist 04.11.1875
1 87-88 The Magical Evolution of Appollonius of Tyana Eliphas Levi, trans. By H.P.B. Spiritual Scientist 04.11.1875
1 89 Traveling in the Spirit Emma H.Britten 04.11.1875
1 90 The Russian Experiment Hon. Alex Aksakof Spiritual Scientist 11.11.1875
1 90 The Selection of Mediums for the St. Petersburg Investigation Spiritual Scientist
1 91 image pictures “Brahma” and “Vishnu” and one untitled picture
1 91-96 Inaugural Address President of T.S.
1 92 image picture of reading woman in color
1 93 image picture of hunter with a dog in color
1 94 image picture of flute player in color
1 95 image picture of mandolin player in color
1 96 image pictures in color and one in black and white
1 97 1 of the Daily Graphic Office image
1 98 image picture of cat and dog in color
1 98 image picture of man and wolf
1 98-99 The Theosophical Society and its President’s Inaugural Address Hiram Corson 26.12.1875
1 99-100 Sad Scenes at Chittenden 16.12.1875
1 100 Science and Spiritualism The Sun 19.12.1875
1 100 Natural Magic Lex et Lux Spiritual Scientist 09.12.1875
1 100-101 Henry Cornelius Agrippa H. S. Olcott 09.12.1875
1 101 Peering info the Hidden New York Sun
1 101 Spiritualism in Russia H. S. Olcott Spiritual Scientist 16.12.1875
1 102 The Truths of Spiritualism Against the Claims of Occultism Spiritual Scientist 23.12.1875
1 102 Eastern Wonder Workers New York Sun
1 103 Masonry and Cabalism Lex et Lux Spiritual Scientist 23.12.1875
1 103 The Slanderers of "Art Magic"
1 104 An English Writer on Spiritualism in America Spiritual Scientist 30.12.1875
1 104 White Magic, or Occultism Banner of Light
1 105 Sorcery in New York Banner of Light
1 105 Mrs. Hardinge's Shadow
1 106 Col. Olcott and the Eddys H. S. Olcott Banner of Light 01.01.1876
1 107 Col. Olcott's Position A. Saxon 08.01.1876
1 107 Experiences at Havana, N.Y. with the De-materializing Medium, Mrss. Markee. 08.01.1876
1 108 Madame Blavatsky Explains Spiritual Scientist 06.01.1876
1 108 image picture of letter A in color
1 109 untitled “Whatever objection any one may…”
1 109 “The Slanderers of ‘Art Magic’" Emma Hardinge Britten
1 109 Mrs. Hardy's Hands H. S. Olcott 20.01.1876
1 110 Elementary Spirits London Spiritualist 28.01.1876
1 110 Colonel Olcott on Psychological Phenomena H. S. Olcott London Spiritualist 28.01.1876
1 111 What Col. Olcott Believes Spiritual Scientist 27.01.1876
1 111 Col. Olcott and the "Elementaries" Banner of Light 15.01.1876
1 112 Letter from Charles Sotheran Banner of Light 15.01.1876
1 112 The Wolf and the Lamb
1 112 The Theosophical Society and Its President H. S. Olcott New York Sun 17.01.1876
1 112 image picture of the wolf and the lamb in color
1 113 image picture of two monkeys in color
1 113 Developing Materializations–Latent Forces at Work in the Empire City–Secret Societies Materializing–Speculative Lunatics–Theosophy–A Lost Art Found–Financial Revelations New York 17.01.1876
1 114 Imps and IfsCol. Olcott in Boston Dr. G.Bloede Banner of Light 29.01.1876
1 114 "Art Magic" & C. E. A. Palmer 29.01.1876
1 115 Are the Occultists to Capture Spiritualism Hudson Tuttle Spiritual Scientist 03.02.1876
1 115 The People's Course at Paine Hall, Boston Banner of Light 05.02.1876
1 116 A Pithy Question C. E. S. 31.01.1876
1 116 Professor Crookes still faithful to his Convictions Louisa Andrews
1 116 Elementary Spirits, Art-Magic, &C Emma Hardinge Britten Banner of Light 12.02.1876
1 116 Theosophical Vaporing Horatio N. Spoon… The name of the author is partly missed
1 117-118 A Story of the Mystical Hadji Mora (H. P. Blavatsky) The Sun 26.12.1875
1 118 The Luminous Circle Hadji Mora(H. P. Blavatsky) The Sun 02.01.1876
1 118 View Above Sweet Brier image
1 119-120 The Cave of the Echoes Hadji Mora(H. P. Blavatsky)
1 120 image picture of forest in mountains
1 121 Mrs. Thayer's Mediumship H. S. Olcott Banner of Light 19.02.1876
1 121-122 Review of the Foreign Spiritualistic Exchanges of the Banner of Light G. L. Ditson, M.D. 19.02.1876
1 122 image picture of leaves in color
1 123 Mistype in title Occultism and Spirtualism (1) Spiritual Scientist 24.02.1876
1 123 Occultism and Spiritualism (2) Spiritual Scientist 24.02.1876
1 124 D. D. Home on Some Recent Developments and Isms of American Spiritualism–Col. Olcott and Mme. Blavatsky G. Bloede, M.D. Boston Sunday Herald 06.03.1876
1 124 Mr. Home… Boston Sunday Herald 12.03.1876
1 125 The pusillanimity of the men… Col. Olcott
1 125 Dr. G. Bloede has found…
1 125 Another Batch of Facts & Opinions from D.D.Home–Buguet, Leymarie, Eliphas Levi, etc.
1 125 Dr. Bloede, D.D.Home, Mme. Blavatsky, and Col. Olcott Spiritual Scientist 09.03.1876
1 125 Soul not Spirit 02.03.1876
1 125 image picture of letter D in color
1 126 A Public Loss Spiritual Scientist 16.03.1876
1 126 Spirits seen in a Chimical Vapour C. Munroe 16.03.1876
1 126-127 Cabalism Zeus
1 127 M.Leimarie & Mr. Home Banner of Light 18.03.1876
1 127 Home's Crusade H. S. Olcott
1 127-128 Col. Olcott on a Relic from the Grave H. S. Olcott 31.03.1876
1 127 image picture of a woman and a child in color
1 128-129 Occultism
1 129 The Evidence in Favor of Future Existence Examined Elizabeth D. N. Denton Spiritual Scientist 06.04.1876
1 130 The Mysteries in Spiritual Phenomena B. E. H.
1 130-131 A Theory of Spiritual Evolution C. C. Massey Spiritual Scientist
1 131 Cabalism Lex et Lux Spiritual Scientist
1 131 Mrs. Denton's Reply to Berkley Spiritual Scientist
1 132 Concerning Mrs. Hardy Charles Sotheran
1 132 Home's Hornet-Nest Comte E. de L...y
1 132 Psychological Influences
1 132 Curious Customs in Alaska
1 133 Madame Leymarie replies to Home Marina Leymarie, Jeanne Leymarie Spiritual Scientist
1 133 The Witch of Endor
1 133 image picture in color
1 134 Self-Sacrifice & Regeneration + Imperator Spiritual Scientist (from London Spiritualist)
1 134-136 Supersensous Perception Prof. S.S.Rothwell
1 136 What a Prominent Spiritualist says E… C... Spiritual Scientist
1 136-138 Soul and Spirit The Spiritualist 18.02.1876
1 138 Dr. Wyld on the Philosophy of Spiritualism R. S. Wyld London Spiritualist
1 138 image untitled picture
1 139 Fig. 3. – Indian Tent Scen... image the rest of title is covered by оrnament
1 139-140 The Russian Investigation A. Aksakoff Written 04.03.1876
1 141 What is Occultism Buddha Spiritual Scientist
1 141 image picture of caravan
1 142 A Distant View of Amsterdam image
1 142 Is Spirit Material? Zeus Spiritual Scientist
1 142 The Russian Experiments in the Phenomena of Spiritualism abandoned Spiritual Scientist
1 143 Mediums, Beware! H. P. Blavatsky Banner of Light 13.05.1876
1 143 The Pagan Funeral New York World 25.05.1876
1 143 image picture of cat in color
1 144 The Remarkable Programme at last completed
1 144 Funeral of Baron de Palm The Daily Graphic
1 144 The Burial of a Baron The Daily Graphic 24.05.1876
1 144-145 Baron de Palm's Funeral The Evening Telegram 27.05.1876
1 145-146 Post Mortem Paganism New York Herald 28.05.1876
1 146-147 Theosophist Ceremonies The Sun 29.05.1876
1 146 Pagans at Home The Evening Telegram
1 147-148 "Theosophistical" Obsequies Christian Union 30.05.1876
1 148 Untitled “It is sad that Miss Anna...” The Daily Graphic 25.05.1876
1 148 Untitled “At the funeral of the great…” The Daily Graphic 25.05.1876
1 148 The Egyptian Funeral The Tribune 30.05.1876
1 148 Baron de Palm's Burial The Daily Graphic 25.05.1876
1 148 Obsequies of the Late Baron de Palm Banner of Light
1 148 But it continued to freeze... image
1 148 What! Ice in the jug!... image
1 148 image untitled picture
1 149 image 4 pictures
1 149-150 A Queer Funeral New York Herald 29.05.1876
1 150 Baron de Palm's Funeral New York Times
1 150 Statement of Theosophical Undertaken The Evening Telegram 27.05.1876
1 150-152 The Pagan Funeral The World 29.05.1876
1 150 An Indian Girl image
1 152-153 The Late Baron de Palm and The New York Theosophical Society Emma Hardinge Britten Banner of Light 17.07.1876
1 153 More Interesting Letters–What Frederic R.Marvin and "John Paul" Say The Daily Graphic
1 153 untitled “The late Baron Palm...”
1 154 image photo of Baron de Palm with HPB’s note: “Baron Henry de Palm "principally famous as a corpse" Buried May 28, 1875. Pagan funeral”. The handwriting to the right of the photo is lost.
1 154 Magicians and Mediums C. C. M. London Spiritualist 10.05.1876
1 155-156 Exposition of "Spiritual" Manifestations Newark Daily Journal 02.06.1876
1 157 Spiritualism in Russia Spiritual Scientist 02.06.1876
1 157 The Supersensual World G.L.Ditson Banner of Light 17.06.1876
1 157 image picture of bird in color
1 158 The Koran (1) G. L. Ditson, M. D. Spiritual Scientist
1 158 The Koran (2) G. L. Ditson, M. D. Spiritual Scientist
1 158 The Koran (3) G. L. Ditson, M. D. Spiritual Scientist
1 159-160 Ghost Business in Maine Portland Press 26.08.1876
1 159 Peace and War image
1 160 image picture of hawk and cock with other birds
1 160 Funeral of Baron de Palm–Peculiar Ceremonies–Several Thousand People Assembled Daily Graphic 22.05.1876
1 160-161 White Magic at a Funeral
1 161-163 Cabalism. The Sepher Jetzera or Book of Creation Zeus Spiritual Scientist 29.06.1876
1 163-164 The Kobolds have Come C. Sotheran Woodhall & Cloflin's Weekly 06.07.1876
1 164 A Letter from D. D. Home D. D. Home Spiritual Scientist 06.07.1876
1 165 The Latest Humbug Veritas Spiritual Scientist Written 02.07.1876
1 165 Spectres of Animals J. B. W. Written 03.07.1876
1 166 Untitled. Letter to Baltimore Underwriter by H. S. Olcott H. S. Olcott Baltimore Underwriter 15.07.1876
1 166 Leon Hyneman and Spiritualism C. Sotheran Spiritual Scientist 20.07.1876
1 167 The Christian at Work 04.07.1876
1 167 Untitled. “The school of sorcery has...” Pall Mall Budget 07.1876
1 167 Untitled “...where will be found a letter…” Daily Graphic
1 167 Untitled “Colonel Henry S. Olcott and…” Daily Graphic 03.08.1876
1 167 image picture of cat in color
1 168 Letter “The undersigned asks attention...” 10.07.1876
1 169 image The photo has drawing on it, which restore the missing parts. There is a handwritten title above: “The destitute Arabs”.
1 169-170 An Appeal For the Arabs H. S. Olcott New York Times 10.07.1876?
1 169 image red official stamp
1 170 Those Destitute Arabs H. S. Olcott Banner of Light 12.08.1876
1 170-171 The Coming Fiend The World 04.08.1876
1 171 Spiritualism in United States The Standart 18.08.1876
1 171 Purpose of The Theosophical Society H. S. Olcott The Graphic Written 01.09.1876
1 172-174 The History of Occultism and Its Relation to Spiritualism Mrs. Corn L.V.Tappan Banner of Light 26.08.1876
1 173 image photo with handwritten title “Buscha: Wata – and Loch-Adar (of the 13 Arabs)”
1 174-175 An Experiment
1 174 image 2 pictures in color
1 174 Untitled. “It is now announced...” The World 17.09.1876
1 175 A Visit a Corpse The World 17.09.1876
1 175 The Unfortunate Arabs The World 20.09.1876
1 175-176 Another Book on "Art Magic" Emma Britten Spiritual Scientist orMedium and Daybreak 06.09.1876
1 176 What is Astrology? Buddha Spiritual Scientist 06.09.1876
1 177 Prof. Perty on The Action of Metals Spiritual Scientist 06.09.1876
1 177 "Art Magic" 21.09.1876
1 177-178 A Tap at Mrs. Tappan H. S. Olcott Banner of Light 23.09.1876
1 177 image 2 pictures in color
1 179 Two Personalities in One Person Scientific American
1 179 Doctor Slade Exposed E. Ray Lankester, F.R.S Homatto B. Donkin The Sun 29.09.1876
1 180 Slade's Arraignment in London Olive Logan Daily Graphic 04.11.1876
1 180 Alfred R. Wallance on Slade The Sunday Herald
1 180-181 (New)-York against Lankester H. P. Blavatsky Banner of Light 14.10.1876
1 181 Justice to Slade H. S. Olcott Banner of Light 14.10.1876
1 182 The British Association on Spiritualism London Spectator
1 182-184 The Credulity of Skeptics Spiritual Scientist 05.10.1876
1 183 The Trial of Messrs. Slade and Simmons at Bow Street Police Court C. Gregory 20.10.1876 image
1 183 The Trail of Messrs. Slade and Simmons at Bow Street Police Court 20.10.1876 image
1 184 Exposure of an Exposer 05.10.1876 (1875 ?)
1 184 Spiritualism gets a hearing Spiritual Scientist 05.10.1876
1 184 Captured 19.10.1876
1 185 Interesting Information
1 185 The Moral of the Bennett Expose–Letter from Mrs. Donton Elizabeth M. F. Denton The Herald 04.10.1876
1 185-186 Behind the Scenes E. M. F. Denton?
1 186 How they Hope to Win William B. Carpenter
1 186 Spiritualism and the Press Spiritual Scientist 12.10.1876
1 186 A Familiar List
1 186-187 A Distinction That Must Be Made Spiritual Scientist 12.10.1876
1 187 Untitled. “Alfred R. Wallace says...”
1 187-188 Huxley and Slade: Who is More Guilty of “False Pretences”? H. P. Blavatsky Banner of Light 28.10.1876
1 189 A Few Suggestions Spiritual Scientist 02.11.1876
1 189 An Unpleasant Affliction Spiritual Scientist 02.11.1876
1 190 Another Exposure of Mrs. Hardy W. Irving Bishop 02.11.1876
1 190 The Slade Controversy 02.11.1876
1 190 Another One Caught 02.11.1876 ?
1 190 The Slade Prosecution
1 190 Mrs. Huntoon's Expose Margaret Flint Spiritual Scientist 09.11.1876
1 190Notes The Spiritus Mundi and Its O.. in Nature–No I
1 190NotesBack Predictions
1 191 The Conviction of Dr. Slade
191 A Timely Warning
1 191 Testimony of Eminent Men
1 191 Prosecution of Dr. Slade Banner of Light 25.11.1876
1 192-193 The Spiritual Situation–Who’s to Blame? Emma H. Britten Free Thought 25.11.1876
1 194 Spiritualism on Trial–The Necessity of Reform M. A. Oxon Spiritual Scientist 05.11.1876
1 194-196 Bogus Materialisations Spiritual Scientist 19.10.1876
1 196 Francis Gerry Fairfield on Slade and Spiritualism 19.10.1876
1 196 A Sound Basis of Belief Spiritual Scientist 19.10.1876
1 196 The Slade Controversy in London 19.10.1876
1 197 Sterling Worlds for the Right! C. C. Massey Daily News
1 198 Art Magic H. S. Olcott
1 198-200 Ghost Land Spiritual Scientist
1 200 The Author of "Art Magic"
1 200-202 "Occultism" vs. Spiritualism J. M. Roberts Banner of Light
1 200 image picture of boar in color
1 200 image picture of barking dog in color
1 202 The Kind-Hearted She-Elephant
1 202 image picture of woman in color with HPB’s note: “One who know all about the sweet "Spiri[...] and it’s Summerland" – for… she visited it [...] and many a time, and oh!.. how lovely!”. […] - means missing part.
1 202-203 Spiritus Mundi and Its Operations in Nature. No.1 Emma H. Britten
1 203 untitled "Spiritualism or Spiritism..." Somerville Citizen 30.11.1876
1 203 4 numbered fragments of an article without title. Fragment №2 is lost
1 203 image picture of warrior on a horse in color
1 203 image picture of a woman with a child (or an angel) in color
1 204 Pons Asinorum “Shadows”? The Commonwealth
1 205 Perpetuated Individuality M. A. Oxon The Spiritualist 21.08.1876
1 205 The "Double". Who are the Producers thereof? D. G. Mosher 21.08.1876
1 206 Cremation of the Body of a Spiritualists H. S. Olcott, H. J. Newton 21.08.1876
1 206 image 6 pictures in color arranged in two columns:left column entitled “Antiquity”, pictures from the top: two angels with Egyptian head, head of ancient Egyptian woman, Greek warrior.right column entitled “Modern times”, pictures from the top: goose in dress, woman with dog, smoking sailerAt the bottom in the middle there is a picture of man walking out the door entitled “The End”, below title there is a note in ink “of volume I”
1 207-208 Description of pages 166-189

See also