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International Theosophical Society
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Volume 11


Volume notes: Title pages: 3. Absent pages: 1, 2, 4, 90, 92, 168, 169. Pages with inlay: 6, 34, 35, 59, 111.

Table of contents
Page Title Author Source Date Type Notes
005 One Day with Madam Blavatsky
ID: 11-005-01
Medium and Daybreak, The, January 1, 1881 1881-01-01 article
005 January
ID: 11-005-02
005 <untitled>
ID: 11-005-03
Banner of Light, Boston, Saturday, January 1, 1881 1881-01-01 notice
005, 006 Coll.H.S.Olcott Mme.H.P.Blavatsky
ID: 11-005-04
Mahrata, The, January 23, article
006 Spiritual Wives
ID: 11-006-01
Spiritualist, The article
007, 008 Remarks on Madame Blavatsky's Manifestations and Illustrative Instances from the Experience of Mediums in this Country
ID: 11-007-01
Medium and Daybreak, The, January 21,1881 1881-01-21 article
009 Wesshalb Furchten Die Spiriten Night den Tod?
ID: 11-009-01
Light, Mehr, Light, Sonntag, 16. Januar 1881 article
009 Das Erste Jahr des Theosophismus
ID: 11-009-02
Light, Mehr, Light, Sonntag, 16. Januar 1881 article
010 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-010-01
W. Spiritualist, The, Jan. 7, 1881 1881-01-07 article
010 A Public Need
ID: 11-010-02
Spiritualist, The, Jan. 7, 1881 1881-01-07 article
010, 11 Spiritualism and Theosophy
ID: 11-010-03
Olcott, H.S. Spiritualist, The, Jan. 7, 1881 1881-01-07 article
11, 12, 13 Spiritualism and Theosophy
ID: 11-011-01
Spiritualist, The, Jan. 14 , 1881 1881-01-14 article
14 The English Translation of Professor Zollner's Experiments
ID: 11-014-01
Spiritualist, The, Jan.14 , 1881 1881-01-14 poster
18 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-018-01
19 Native Opinion
ID: 11-019-01
Spiritualist Newspaper, The, London, Friday Jan. 21, 1881 1881-01-21 article
19 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-019-02
19 Spiritualism and Theosophy
ID: 11-019-03
Olcott, H.S. Spiritualist Newspaper, The, London, Friday Jan. 21, 1881 1881-01-21 article
20, 21, 22 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-020-01
Spiritualist, The, Jan. 21,1881 1881-01-21 article
22, 23 The Authority of Spirit?
ID: 11-022-01
M.D. (F.T.S.) Spiritualist, The, Jan. 21, 1881 1881-01-21 letter
23 <untitled> (<untitled>...)
ID: 11-023-01
23 The Demise of Mr. Epes Sargent
ID: 11-023-02
Spiritualist, The article
23 ..ouragement for Workers
ID: 11-023-03