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Table of contents
Vol. Page Title Author Source Date Type Notes
1 100 Science and Spiritualism
ID: 01-100-01
Olcott, H. S. Sun, The 1875-12-19 article
1 101 Peering info the Hidden
ID: 01-101-01
New York Sun article
1 101, 102 Spiritualism in Russia
ID: 01-101-02
Olcott, H. S. Spiritual Scientist, v. 3, No. 7, October 21, 1875, p.79 1875-10-21
1 102 Eastern Wonder Workers
ID: 01-102-01
New York Sun article
1 104 White Magic, or Occultism
ID: 01-104-02
Banner of Light article
1 105 Sorcery in New York
ID: 01-105-01
Banner of Light article
1 105 Mrs. Hardinge's Shadow
ID: 01-105-02
1 106, 107 Col. Olcott and the Eddys
ID: 01-106-01
Olcott, H. S. Banner of Light 1876-01-01 article
1 107 Col. Olcott's Position
ID: 01-107-02
Saxon, A. 1876-01-08 article
1 107, 108 Experiences at Havana, N.Y. with the De-materializing Medium, Mrss. Markee
ID: 01-107-03
1876-01-08 article
1 111, 112 Col. Olcott and the "Elementaries"
ID: 01-111-02
Banner of Light 1876-01-15 article
1 112 Letter from Charles Sotheran
ID: 01-112-01
Sotheran, Charles Banner of Light 1876-01-15 letter
1 112 The Wolf and the Lamb
ID: 01-112-03
1 112, 113 The Theosophical Society and Its President
ID: 01-112-04
Olcott, H. S. New York Sun 1876-01-17 article
1 113, 114 From Our Special Correspondent
ID: 01-113-02
New York 1876-01-17 article
1 114 Imps and Ifs
ID: 01-114-01
Bloede, G. Banner of Light 1876-01-29 article
1 114, 115 "Art-Magic" & C
ID: 01-114-02
Palmer, E. A. 1876-01-29 article
1 115, 116 The People's Course at Paine Hall, Boston
ID: 01-115-02
Banner of Light 1876-02-05 article
1 116 A Pithy Question
ID: 01-116-01
C.E.S. 1876-01-31 article
1 116 Professor Crookes still faithful to his Convictions
ID: 01-116-02
Andrews, Louisa article
1 116 Elementary Spirits, Art-Magic, &C
ID: 01-116-03
Britten, E. H. Banner of Light 1876-02-12 article
1 116 Theosophical Vaporing
ID: 01-116-04
Spoon..., Horatio N. (?) article
1 121 Mrs. Thayer's Mediumship
ID: 01-121-01
Olcott, H. S. Banner of Light 1876-02-19 article
1 121, 122 Review of the Foreign Spiritualistic Exchanges of the Banner of Light
ID: 01-121-02
Ditson, G. L. 1876-02-19 article
1 124 D. D. Home on Some Recent Developments
ID: 01-124-01
Bloede, G. Boston Sunday Herald 1876-03-06 article
1 124 Mr. Home is identified
ID: 01-124-02
notice From Banner of Light
1 125 The pusillanimity of the men
ID: 01-125-01
1 125 Another Batch of Facts
ID: 01-125-02
1 127 M. Leymarie & Mr. Home
ID: 01-127-01
Banner of Light, Saturday, March 18, 1876 1876-03-18 article
1 127 Home's Crusade
ID: 01-127-02
Olcott, H. S. article
1 127, 128 Col. Olcott on a Relic from the Grave
ID: 01-127-04
Olcott, H. S. 1876-03-31 article The whole article is outlined with blue pencil.
1 143, 144 The Pagan Funeral
ID: 01-143-03
New York World 1876-05-25 article
1 144 The Remarkable Programme at last completed
ID: 01-144-01
1 144 Funeral of Baron de Palm
ID: 01-144-02
Daily Graphic, The article
1 144 The Burial of a Baron
ID: 01-144-03
Daily Graphic, The, Mednesday, May 24, 1876. 1876-05-24 article
1 144, 145 Baron de Palm's Funeral
ID: 01-144-04
Evening Telegram, The, New York, Saturday, May 27, 1876. 1876-05-27 article
1 145, 146 Post Mortem Paganism
ID: 01-145-01
New York Herald, Sunday, May 28, 1876. 1876-05-28 article
1 146 Pagans at Home
ID: 01-146-01
Evening Telegram, The article
1 146, 147 Theosophist Ceremonies
ID: 01-146-02
Sun, The, Monday, May 29, 1876. 1876-05-29 article
1 147, 148 "Theosophistical" Obsequies
ID: 01-147-01
Christian Union 1876-05-30 article
1 148 The Egyptian Funeral
ID: 01-148-01
Tribune, The, May 30, 1878 1876-05-30 notice
1 148 It is sad that Miss Anna
ID: 01-148-02
Daily Graphic, The 1876-05-25 notice
1 148 At the funeral of the great
ID: 01-148-03
Daily Graphic, The 1876-05-25 notice
1 148 Baron de Palm's Burial
ID: 01-148-04
Daily Graphic, The 1876-05-25 notice
1 148 Obsequies of the Late Baron de Palm. Impressive Egyptian Rites
ID: 01-148-05
Banner of Light notice
1 149, 150 A Queer Funeral
ID: 01-149-05
New York Herald 1876-05-25 article
1 150 Baron de Palm's Funeral
ID: 01-150-01
New York Times article
1 150 Statement of Theosophical Undertaken
ID: 01-150-02
Evening Telegram, The 1876-05-27 article
1 150, 151, 152 The Pagan Funeral
ID: 01-150-04
World, The, Monday, May 29, 1876. 1876-05-29 article
1 152, 153 The Late Baron de Palm and The New York Theosophical Society
ID: 01-152-01
Britten, E. H. Banner of Light 1876-07-17 article