Property:HPB SB item notes

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The title is unreadable  +
The title of the image could be "The Hen and the Sailor"  +
The whole article is outlined with blue pencil.  +
There is a note beneath a man at the counter: “O.H.S.”, which could be an HPB's reference to H. S. Olcott.  +
There is an archivist mark by the text, which usualy is used for HPB's articles.  +
This article includes several reports, each having their own author and title.  +
This is a part from original article in Russian, pasted on page [[HPB-SB-3-101|3:101]]. Most likely it was translated by HPB herself.  +
This is the first letter from series "Letters from America"  +
Title "India" in rich decoration.  +
Title in French: 1-er Article du Colonel Alcott  +
Title in French: Deuxieme Article du Même  +
Title in French: Fragments de Madame Blavatsky, sur le même sujet  +
Title in French: Idées Théosophiques  +
Title in French: Reflexions an Sujet des Idées Théosophiques.  +
Title in Russian: "Изъ пещеръ и дебрей Индостана". '''Letters 10-19 published separately in brochure''' and pasted here without any comment. Letter X on SB pages 3-9; XI on 9-11; XII on 11-15; XIII on 15-8; XIV on 18-23; XV on 23-30; XVI on 30-4; XVII on 34-7; XVIII on 37-45; XIX (mistyped as XVIII) on 45-54. '''Letters 1-29 published in Moskovskie Vedomosti''': [[HPB-SB-6-114|Letter I]] on SB page 114-7; II on 117-9; III on 119-20; IV is absent; V on 121-4; VI on 124-6; VII on 126-8; VIII on 128-31; IX on 131-3; X on 135-8; XI on 138-9; XII on 139-41; XIII on 141-3; XIV on 143-6; XV on 146-9; XVI on 149-51; XVII on 151-2; XVIII on 153-8 (disordered); XIX on 158-63; XX on 163-6; XXI on 167-74; XXII on 175-80; XXIII on 180-91; XXIV on 191-3; XXV on 193-7; XXVI on 198-202; XXVII on 203-208; XXVIII on 208-225; XXIX on 225-231.  +
Without beginning.  +, Title in Russian: "Литературные очерки"  +
Title in Russian: "Новый Титулъ Султана"  +
Title in Russian: "Смҍсь"  +
Title in Russian: А. Молчановъ, "Гибралтаръ"  +