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Table of contents
Vol. Page Title Author Source Date Type Notes
1 36 “From the Other World”
ID: 01-036-04
Olcott, H. S. Daily Graphic 1875-05-01 article Reprinted from the N. Y. Graphic, May 4 1875
1 51, 52, 53, 54 Ghosts That are Ghosts
ID: 01-051-03
Olcott, H. S. Banner of Light, Boston, September 4, 1875, p. 2 1875-09-04 article Reprinted from The New York Sun, August 18, 1875
1 54 A Most Astonishing Test
ID: 01-054-01
article From The New York Sun, August 27
1 54, 55 Rosicrucianism in New York
ID: 01-054-02
Wiggin, J. H. Liberal Christian, The 1875-09-04 article
1 57 Those Liberal Club Snuffers
ID: 01-057-01
Tribune, The 1875-09-10 article
1 57 Spiritualism Rampant. Embryonic Men
ID: 01-057-02
Olcott, H. S. 1875-09-07 article
1 61, 62 The Theosophical Society
ID: 01-061-02
1875-09-30 article
1 62 Mr. Olcott on Spiritualism
ID: 01-062-01
World, The 1875-10-03 article
1 62 People are so unaccustomed nowadays
ID: 01-062-02
1 62, 63 Proselyters from India
ID: 01-062-03
Monachesi, Herbert D. Sunday Mercury, The 1876-04-09 article
1 63 <untitled>
ID: 01-063-03
image Colorful leaves
1 68 Ponderable Ghosts
ID: 01-068-03
Pall Mall Budget 1875-10-12 article
1 76 Soothsayers and Necromancers
ID: 01-076-02
Bellows 1875-10-25 article
1 77, 78, 79 Preamble and By-Laws of the Theosophical Society
ID: 01-077-01
1875-10-30 article
1 79 The Cabala
ID: 01-079-01
1 79 He had found his art useful
ID: 01-079-02
1 86 Letter from G. L. Ditson
ID: 01-086-02
Banner of Light 1875-11-27 letter
1 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 Inaugural Address
ID: 01-091-02
Olcott, H. S. article
1 98, 99 The Theosophical Society and its President’s Inaugural Address
ID: 01-098-03
Corson, Hiram 1875-12-26 article
1 99, 100 Sad Scenes at Chittenden
ID: 01-099-01
1 100 Science and Spiritualism
ID: 01-100-01
Olcott, H. S. Sun, The 1875-12-19 article
1 101 Peering info the Hidden
ID: 01-101-01
New York Sun article
1 101, 102 Spiritualism in Russia
ID: 01-101-02
Olcott, H. S. Spiritual Scientist, v. 3, No. 7, October 21, 1875, p.79 1875-10-21
1 102 Eastern Wonder Workers
ID: 01-102-01
New York Sun article
1 104 White Magic, or Occultism
ID: 01-104-02
Banner of Light article
1 105 Sorcery in New York
ID: 01-105-01
Banner of Light article
1 105 Mrs. Hardinge's Shadow
ID: 01-105-02
1 106, 107 Col. Olcott and the Eddys
ID: 01-106-01
Olcott, H. S. Banner of Light 1876-01-01 article
1 107 Col. Olcott's Position
ID: 01-107-02
Saxon, A. 1876-01-08 article
1 107, 108 Experiences at Havana, N.Y. with the De-materializing Medium, Mrss. Markee
ID: 01-107-03
1876-01-08 article
1 111, 112 Col. Olcott and the "Elementaries"
ID: 01-111-02
Banner of Light 1876-01-15 article
1 112 Letter from Charles Sotheran
ID: 01-112-01
Sotheran, Charles Banner of Light 1876-01-15 letter
1 112 The Wolf and the Lamb
ID: 01-112-03
1 112, 113 The Theosophical Society and Its President
ID: 01-112-04
Olcott, H. S. New York Sun 1876-01-17 article
1 113, 114 From Our Special Correspondent
ID: 01-113-02
New York 1876-01-17 article
1 114 Imps and Ifs
ID: 01-114-01
Bloede, G. Banner of Light 1876-01-29 article
1 114, 115 "Art-Magic" & C
ID: 01-114-02
Palmer, E. A. 1876-01-29 article
1 115, 116 The People's Course at Paine Hall, Boston
ID: 01-115-02
Banner of Light 1876-02-05 article
1 116 A Pithy Question
ID: 01-116-01
C.E.S. 1876-01-31 article
1 116 Professor Crookes still faithful to his Convictions
ID: 01-116-02
Andrews, Louisa article
1 116 Elementary Spirits, Art-Magic, &C
ID: 01-116-03
Britten, E. H. Banner of Light 1876-02-12 article
1 116 Theosophical Vaporing
ID: 01-116-04
Spoon..., Horatio N. (?) article
1 121 Mrs. Thayer's Mediumship
ID: 01-121-01
Olcott, H. S. Banner of Light 1876-02-19 article
1 121, 122 Review of the Foreign Spiritualistic Exchanges of the Banner of Light
ID: 01-121-02
Ditson, G. L. 1876-02-19 article
1 124 D. D. Home on Some Recent Developments
ID: 01-124-01
Bloede, G. Boston Sunday Herald 1876-03-06 article
1 124 Mr. Home is identified
ID: 01-124-02
notice From Banner of Light
1 125 The pusillanimity of the men
ID: 01-125-01
1 125 Another Batch of Facts
ID: 01-125-02
1 127 M. Leymarie & Mr. Home
ID: 01-127-01
Banner of Light, Saturday, March 18, 1876 1876-03-18 article
1 127 Home's Crusade
ID: 01-127-02
Olcott, H. S. article
1 127, 128 Col. Olcott on a Relic from the Grave
ID: 01-127-04
Olcott, H. S. 1876-03-31 article The whole article is outlined with blue pencil.
1 143, 144 The Pagan Funeral
ID: 01-143-03
New York World 1876-05-25 article
1 144 The Remarkable Programme at last completed
ID: 01-144-01
1 144 Funeral of Baron de Palm
ID: 01-144-02
Daily Graphic, The article
1 144 The Burial of a Baron
ID: 01-144-03
Daily Graphic, The, Mednesday, May 24, 1876. 1876-05-24 article
1 144, 145 Baron de Palm's Funeral
ID: 01-144-04
Evening Telegram, The, New York, Saturday, May 27, 1876. 1876-05-27 article
1 145, 146 Post Mortem Paganism
ID: 01-145-01
New York Herald, Sunday, May 28, 1876. 1876-05-28 article
1 146 Pagans at Home
ID: 01-146-01
Evening Telegram, The article
1 146, 147 Theosophist Ceremonies
ID: 01-146-02
Sun, The, Monday, May 29, 1876. 1876-05-29 article
1 147, 148 "Theosophistical" Obsequies
ID: 01-147-01
Christian Union 1876-05-30 article
1 148 The Egyptian Funeral
ID: 01-148-01
Tribune, The, May 30, 1878 1876-05-30 notice
1 148 It is sad that Miss Anna
ID: 01-148-02
Daily Graphic, The 1876-05-25 notice
1 148 At the funeral of the great
ID: 01-148-03
Daily Graphic, The 1876-05-25 notice
1 148 Baron de Palm's Burial
ID: 01-148-04
Daily Graphic, The 1876-05-25 notice
1 148 Obsequies of the Late Baron de Palm. Impressive Egyptian Rites
ID: 01-148-05
Banner of Light notice
1 149, 150 A Queer Funeral
ID: 01-149-05
New York Herald 1876-05-25 article
1 150 Baron de Palm's Funeral
ID: 01-150-01
New York Times article
1 150 Statement of Theosophical Undertaken
ID: 01-150-02
Evening Telegram, The 1876-05-27 article
1 150, 151, 152 The Pagan Funeral
ID: 01-150-04
World, The, Monday, May 29, 1876. 1876-05-29 article
1 152, 153 The Late Baron de Palm and The New York Theosophical Society
ID: 01-152-01
Britten, E. H. Banner of Light 1876-07-17 article
1 153 The late Baron Palm
ID: 01-153-01
1 153 More Interesting Letters
ID: 01-153-02
Daily Graphic, The article
1 155 <unreadable>
ID: 01-155-01
article The item is unreadable
1 155, 156 Exposition of "Spiritual" Manifestations
ID: 01-155-02
Thomas, Frederic Newark Daily Journal 1876-06-02 article The end of the article is restored by HPB in handwriting
1 157, 158 The Supersensual World
ID: 01-157-02
Ditson, G. L. Banner of Light 1876-06-18 article
1 159, 160 Ghost Business in Maine
ID: 01-159-01
Portland Press 1876-08-26 article
1 160 Funeral of Baron de Palm
ID: 01-160-01
Daily Graphic, The 1876-05-22 notice
1 160 Next Sunday at four o’clock
ID: 01-160-03
Daily Graphic, The, May 22 notice
1 160 White Magic at a Funeral
ID: 01-160-04
1 163, 164 The Kobolds have Come
ID: 01-163-01
Sotheran, Charles Woodhall & Cloflin's Weekly 1876-07-06 article
1 166 Letter to Baltimore Underwriter by H. S. Olcott
ID: 01-166-01
Olcott, H. S. Baltimore Underwriter 1876-06-15 letter
1 167 flesh-pots of Egypt
ID: 01-167-01
Christian at Work, The 1876-07-04 article
1 167 The school of sorcery has
ID: 01-167-02
Pall Mall Budget, July 1876 1876-07 article
1 167 where will be found a letter
ID: 01-167-03
Daily Graphic, The article
1 167 Colonel Henry S. Olcott and
ID: 01-167-04
Daily Graphic, The 1876-08-03 article
1 168 The undersigned asks attention
ID: 01-168-01
1 169, 170 An Appeal For the Arabs
ID: 01-169-02
Olcott, H. S. New York Times 1876-07-10 article
1 170 Those Destitute Arabs
ID: 01-170-01
Olcott, H. S. Banner of Light 1876-08-12 article
1 170, 171 The Coming Fiend
ID: 01-170-02
World, The 1876-08-04 article
1 171 Spiritualism in United States
ID: 01-171-01
Standart, The 1876-08-18 article
1 171 Purpose of The Theosophical Society
ID: 01-171-02
Olcott, H. S. Graphic, The 1876-09-01 article
1 172, 173, 174 The History of Occultism and Its Relation to Spiritualism
ID: 01-172-01
Tappan, Corn L. V. Banner of Light 1876-08-26 article
1 174 It is now announced
ID: 01-174-03
World, The 1876-09-17 article
1 174, 175 An Experiment
ID: 01-174-04
1 175 A Visit a Corpse
ID: 01-175-01
World, The 1876-09-17 article
1 175 The Unfortunate Arabs
ID: 01-175-02
World, The 1876-09-20 article
1 177, 178 A Tap at Mrs. Tappan
ID: 01-177-05
Olcott, H. S. Banner of Light 1876-09-23 article
1 179 Doctor Slade Exposed
ID: 01-179-02
Lankester, E. Ray, Donkin, Homatto B. Sun, The 1876-09-29 article Reprinted from the London Times
1 180 Slade's Arraignment in London
ID: 01-180-01
Logan, Olive Daily Graphic, The 1876-11-04 article
1 180 Alfred R. Wallance on Slade
ID: 01-180-02
Sunday Herald, The article
1 181, 182 Justice to Slade
ID: 01-181-01
Olcott, H. S. Banner of Light 1876-10-14 article
1 182 The British Association on Spiritualism
ID: 01-182-01
London Spectator article
1 185 Interesting Information
ID: 01-185-01
Boston Herald 1876-10 article
1 185 The Moral of the Bennett Expose–Letter from Mrs. Denton
ID: 01-185-02
Denton, Elizabeth M. F. Herald, The 1876-10-04 article
1 185, 186 Behind the Scenes
ID: 01-185-03
Denton, E. M. F. (?) article
1 186 A Familiar List
ID: 01-186-01
1 186 How they Hope to Win
ID: 01-186-02
Carpenter, William B. article
1 190 The Slade Prosecution
ID: 01-190-04
1 190 The Spiritus Mundi and Its O... in Nature–No I
ID: 01-190-06
Britten, E. H. article
1 190 Predictions
ID: 01-190-07
Flint, Margaret (?) article
1 191, 192 Prosecution of Dr. Slade
ID: 01-191-04
Banner of Light 1876-11-25 article
1 192, 193 The Spiritual Situation–Who’s to Blame?
ID: 01-192-01
Britten, E. H. Banner of Light, November 25, 1876. 1876-11-25 article
1 196, 197 The Slade Controversy in London
ID: 01-196-03
Oxon, M. A. 1876-10-19 article
1 197 Sterling Worlds for the Right!
ID: 01-197-01
Massey, C. C. Daily News article
1 200 The Author of "Art Magic"
ID: 01-200-01
1 200, 201, 202 "Occultism" vs. Spiritualism
ID: 01-200-04
Roberts, J. M. Banner of Light article
1 202 The Kind-Hearted She-Elephant
ID: 01-202-01
1 202 <untitled>
ID: 01-202-02
image Crying elephant
1 202, 203 Spiritus Mundi and Its Operations in Nature. No.1
ID: 01-202-04
Britten, E. H. article
1 204, 205 Pons Asinorum
ID: 01-204-01
Shadows (?) Commonwealth, The article
1 207, 208 Description of pages 166-189 in handwriting
ID: 01-207-01
2 25 Asia's Mussulman Pope
ID: 02-025-01
World, The article
2 25, 26 The Manifestations of the Invisibles through the Medium Mansfield
ID: 02-025-02
2 26 The Phenomena of Mind-Reading
ID: 02-026-01
R.J. Daily Graphic, The 1877-10-25 (?) article
2 27, 28 A Description of the Inhabitants of the Moon
ID: 02-027-01
1877-10-14 article
2 28 A Phantom Girl
ID: 02-028-01
St. Louis «Republican» article
2 29, 30 A Musical Apparition
ID: 02-029-01
Tapp, Geo. Robert article
2 30 Katie King
ID: 02-030-01
article Reprinted from Chicago Daily Tribune
2 31 Clinging to the Clay
ID: 02-031-01
Isonbergen (?) article Reprinted from Dayton Journal
2 31 Ghostly Gold Seekers
ID: 02-031-02
Blavatsky, H. P. (?) article Reprinted from The Eatern Pa. Free Press
2 32 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-032-01
2 32 Mme. Blavatskay's book
ID: 02-032-02
2 32 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-032-03
2 32 J. W. Bouton is the publisher
ID: 02-032-04
2 32 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-032-05
2 32 Madame Blavatzky
ID: 02-032-06
2 32 J. W. Bouton will soon
ID: 02-032-07
2 32 Madame Blavatsky has finished
ID: 02-032-08
2 32 Madame Blavatksy's new work
ID: 02-032-09
2 33 Advance sheets of the preface
ID: 02-033-01
Republican, The, Springfield 1877-09-04 notice
2 34 J. W. Bouton, bookseller
ID: 02-034-01
Commercial Advertiser 1877-06-23 notice
2 34 The corresponding secretary
ID: 02-034-02
Independent, The 1877-09-21 notice
2 34 Madame Blavatsky's work
ID: 02-034-03
Religio-Philosophical Journal notice
2 34 J. W. Boughton (706 Broadway N. Y.)
ID: 02-034-04
Plain Dealer, The 1877-06-30 notice
2 34 J. W. Bouton, of Broadway, New York
ID: 02-034-05
Courier Journal, Louisville 1877-07-01 notice
2 35 A very queer work
ID: 02-035-01
Republican, The notice
2 36 A work on occult science
ID: 02-036-01
Athenaeum, The, London 1877-07-21 notice
2 36 Bro. J. W. Bouton of 706 Broadway
ID: 02-036-02
Hebrew Leader, The, New York 1877-08-03 notice
2 36, 37 The Veil of Isis Lifted
ID: 02-036-04
World, The 1877-08-23 article
2 37 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-037-01
Daily Graphic, The 1877-08-31 article
2 38 Madame Blavatsky's Oriental Magic
ID: 02-038-01
Yates County Chronicle 1877-08-30 notice
2 38 Of Sister Blavatsky's new book
ID: 02-038-02
Advocate, The 1877-09-03 notice
2 38 Mdme. Blavatsky's Book
ID: 02-038-03
2 38 Concerning Gods and Interviews
ID: 02-038-04
Blavatsky, H. P. 1877-01-23 notice Reprinted from the New York World, 1877-01-24
2 39 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-039-01
New York Dispatch 1877-10-07 (?) article
2 39 Isis Unveiled.–This great work
ID: 02-039-02
Religio-Philosophical Journal, Chicago, Ill 1877-10-06 notice
2 39 We have to thank Mr. Bouton
ID: 02-039-03
Press, The 1877-09-28 notice
2 40, 42 Mad. Blavatsky's Forthcoming Work
ID: 02-040-01
Bloede, G. 1877-08 article
2 41 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-041-01
notice In "Published this day" section
2 41 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-041-02
Bouton, J. W. Western Union Telegraph Company, The 1877-09-08 telegram Telegram to H. S. Olcott
2 42, 44 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-042-01
Commercial Advertiser 1877-09-08 notice
2 43 The Vail of Isis Lifted
ID: 02-043-01
World, The 1877-08-23 article
2 43 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-043-02
Evening Mail, The, New York 1877-09-29 review
2 44 Madame H. P. Blavatsky is at work
ID: 02-044-01
Woman's Words 1877-09 notice
2 44 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-044-02
N. Y. Evening Post review
2 45 Isis Unveiled.–This is Volume I
ID: 02-045-01
Banner of Light 1877-09-22 review In section "New Publications"
2 45 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-045-02
New York Herald review In section "Literature"
2 45, 46 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-045-03
2 46 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-046-01
Boston Daily Advertiser 1877-10-08 review In section "New Publications"
2 46 Isis Unveiled, written by Madame H. P. Blavatsky
ID: 02-046-02
Philadelphia Press 1877-10-09 review In section "New Publications"
2 46 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-046-03
2 47 A Strange Incident
ID: 02-047-01
Religio-Philosophical Journal 1877-09-22 other A passage quoted from Isis Unveiled
2 47 The great book of Madame H. P. Blavatsky
ID: 02-047-02
Labor 1877-10-03 notice
2 47 An Exploration of Ancient Mysteries
ID: 02-047-04
Sun, The 1877-10-07 review
2 48 Letter from H. Buchanan to HPB
ID: 02-048-01
Buchanan, H. 1877-10-16 letter Letter to HPB
2 48 Jusus not a Nazarite
ID: 02-048-02
Burr, W. H. 1877-10-12 review
2 48 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-048-03
Bouton, J. W. Evening Mail, The, New York 1877-10-17 review
2 49 Letter from J.W.Bouton to HPB
ID: 02-049-01
Bouton, J. W. 1877-10-11 letter Letter to HPB
2 49 Madame Blavatsky's work, Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-049-02
Religio-Philosophical Journal 1877-10-13 notice
2 49 The sale of Madame Blavatsky's Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-049-03
American Bookseller, The 1877-10 notice
2 49 Isis Unveiled.–The second volume
ID: 02-049-04
Banner of Light 1877-10-29 review
2 50 Letter from R.S.MacKenzie to J.W.Bouton
ID: 02-050-01
MacKenzie, R. Shelton 1877-10-09 letter
2 51 Letter from T.W.Coit to J.W.Bouton
ID: 02-051-01
Coit, T. W. 1877-08-13 letter
2 53 Letter from J. Foord to J. W. Bouton
ID: 02-053-01
Foord, John 1877-09-26 letter
2 54 We earnestly recommend
ID: 02-054-01
Advocate, The 1877-10-22 notice Notice with quote from Isis Unveiled
2 54 The ponderous size of Madame Blavatsky's book
ID: 02-054-02
Religio-Philosophical Journal 1877-10-27 notice
2 54 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-054-03
New-York Daily Tribune 1877-10-16 review In section "New Publications"
2 54 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-054-04
Banner of Light 1877-10-27 review In section "New Publications"
2 55, 56, 57 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-055-02
Daily Record-Union, The 1877-10-27 review In section "Review of Recent Publications"
2 57 Mysteries and Mummeries
ID: 02-057-01
Independent, The 1877-11-08 review In section "Literature"
2 57 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-057-02
2 57, 58 Madame Blavatsky
ID: 02-057-03
Saxon, E. L. Daily Picayune, The 1877-11-04 article
2 58 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-058-01
Religio-Philosophical Journal 1877-11-10 review In section "Book Reviews"
2 59 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-059-01
Evening Telegram 1877-11-27 review In section "Literature"
2 59 The Theosophs declare that mesmerism
ID: 02-059-02
Religio-Philosophical Journal 1877-11-24 review 3 passages on mesmerism
2 59 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-059-03
Religio-Philosophical Journal 1877-11-24 review
2 60 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-060-01
Advocate, The 1877-11-28 review In section "Publisher's Notes"
2 60, 61, 62, 63 Isis Unveiled
ID: 02-060-03
Hartford Daily Times 1877-11-30 review
2 63 Something like a Book
ID: 02-063-01
Mirror of Literature 1877-12-01 review
2 64, 65 Letter from G. J. Parsons to HPB
ID: 02-064-01
Parsons, G. J. letter
